HST questions


New Member
I want to try HST but I have a few questions about it. 1.)I want to biuld my upper body since it's lagging alot (especially my arms) compared with my legs (which grow very fast).So my question is what is a good upper body HST that gives you the best results in arms(and not only)? I have thought of something like: Chinups Deadlifts Close Grip Bench Press Bent over bb row Dips Straight bar bb curls Skullcrushers Abs 2.)I have tried to find more information about how a HST program really is built. I found information that was contradictory. From what I understand and hope that someone will confirm or decline what I will say, a HST program is basically: -3 training days of the routine a week for 2 weeks of 15 rep,1 set per exercise and a rest between exercises of 30sec-1min -3 training days of the routine a week for the next 2 weeks of 10 reps,2 sets per exercise and a rest between exercises of 1min-2min -3 training days of the routine a week for the next 2 weeks of 5 reps,3 sets per exercise and a rest between exercises of 2min-3min 3.) The HST program requires progressive overload but...most people are not very strong wise so they will actually begin some of the lifts (in the 15rep) with such a low weight that is not stimulating the muscle at all.For example: I can BB curl 85 lbs for 7 reps with perfect form (I can lift more than that but with less and less tension on the bicep). If I follow what I have heard from the HST program I would have to start by just curling the bar since the smallest increments are 1.25kg (2.75 lbs). The questions: is it necesary to have a continuous progressive overload?(each time you lift) Thanks
I want to try HST but I have a few questions about it.

1.)I want to build my upper body since it's lagging a lot (especially my arms) compared with my legs (which grow very fast). So my question is what is a good upper body HST that gives you the best results in arms(and not only)? I have thought of something like:

Close Grip Bench Press
Bent over bb row
Straight bar bb curls

2.)I have tried to find more information about how a HST program really is built. I found information that was contradictory. From what I understand and hope that someone will confirm or decline what I will say, a HST program is basically:
-3 training days of the routine a week for 2 weeks of 15 rep,1 set per exercise and a rest between exercises of 30sec-1min
-3 training days of the routine a week for the next 2 weeks of 10 reps,2 sets per exercise and a rest between exercises of 1min-2min
-3 training days of the routine a week for the next 2 weeks of 5 reps,3 sets per exercise and a rest between exercises of 2min-3min

3.) The HST program requires progressive overload but...most people are not very strong wise so they will actually begin some of the lifts (in the 15rep) with such a low weight that is not stimulating the muscle at all.

For example: I can BB curl 85 lbs for 7 reps with perfect form (I can lift more than that but with less and less tension on the bicep).

If I follow what I have heard from the HST program I would have to start by just curling the bar since the smallest increments are 1.25kg (2.75 lbs).

The questions: is it necessary to have a continuous progressive overload?(each time you lift)


I edited your post in the quote above so it is a bit easier to read, there is a post in the FYI section of this forum about fixing this problem(I am assuming you didn't type it as posted?)

anyways to your questions

1) Well if you want to be more proportionate then you probably have to stop working your legs so much, however if you just want to bring up your upper body than just follow the HST principles.

Your exercise selection looks good, Close Grip Bench Press works the triceps more than the chest so you might want to change that to a normal Bench Press as you are doing skull crushers for triceps.

2)Yes that is pretty much the basic set up, you can also add another 2 weeks of negatives at the end before SD.

Also the recovery times are what ever you need to be able to complete the required number of reps so they may increase or decrease depending on how quick you recover between sets.

3)15's help to prepare your joints for the heavier weights by flushing them with lactic acid the idea is to "feel the burn", you may not stimulate a whole lot of muscle growth during the 15's though.

You don't HAVE to add weight each workout so long as you are progressing weight over the entire cycle, so you could use the same weight for 2 consecutive workouts for a particular exercise.
Thank you for your reply and sorry about that mess but the forum doesn't seem to capture my "enter" when I press post. Maybe because I am using linux ubuntu. When I posted the message was arranged as you edited but after I posted it was like that...