HST rep maxes not real RM


New Member
I have read most of the FAQ and articles, with that sayed i found this article on one of these threads


It says that your rep maxes shoud be HST maxes meaning that you have one or two reps left until physical failure that you dont do

I think this is done so you can recover in time for the next workout

so the rep maxes are not true rep maxes and I havent seen this information anywhere but in this article.

Are your RM like this (HST maxes) or do you work your way up to true rep maxes?

I just finished my 2nd to last workout in the 10's (the last wednesday) today and i am feeling a bit overtrained. It acured to me that the weight i used today is my HST RM for 10's and the weight i was planing on doing friday is true max if not more (may have to cheat last rep up or stop at 9 on some excerises). So should i just use start my 5's on friday or finish the 10's as planed with heavy maxes?

thanks in advance
Go ahead and start the 5's Then find your true maxes.

You want to make sure you are increasing load every workout or every other workout regardless.

So if I understand your question correctly your 10's are getting way to heavy so go ahead and use them for your 5's and then slowly progress up in weight as much as you can....if nothing else after that do negatives or SD and start fresh with correct maxes.

Hope that helps?
Russell: I actually based all my original RMs for my first cycle on 'to failure' maxes except for squats, where I stopped the rep before I thought I would fail. What I found was that as I got to the end of each mini-cycle my strength had gone up so I was able to make all my maxes without hitting failure.

At the end of the 10s, esp. if you are doing two sets, the workload will get pretty tough. If you can make 10 reps for the first set don't worry too much about getting ten on the second set. Obviously, you might as well try for them but if you have to stop short by 2 or 3 reps it's not a problem.

Even if you can't make 10 reps on the first set of an exercise it's not the end of the world either. Depending on the exercises you are using, there may be a certain amount of fatigue carried over from one exercise to the next. This could easily prevent you from reaching your target max for an exercise. But still, it's best not to push yourself to failure even on the first set of each exercise if you are feeling a bit fried already. Stop a few reps short of failure (say 8, in this case) and then look forward to a long weekend for recovery before you hit the 5s!

Not sure whether you are cutting or bulking? If you are bulking, are you ensuring that you are getting enough calories? It can make your workouts tougher if you are not consuming a slight surplus to requirements.

Next cycle, you could leave your maxes the same for 10s and see how you get on - but if you want to re-test that's cool too.
I think that the ideal thing would be at the gym to hit your real max or just below during the last day of your 15RM, 10RM and 5RM... but it seldom happens (at least to me)..... if I feel weaker and my 10RM looks impossible I just cut that exercise short in order to make sure I don't go to failure, otherwise your CNS starts feeling the toll and the muscle may condition to the level of load you are using.....If I feel I am stronger and my 10RM could be heavier, then I go for it and see..... the important thing is not to go to failure "frequently", otherwise you may wind up cutting short not only the workout but the whole cycle if you feel really overtrained, besides getting little gain in muscles...... I believe the key thing is to be able to increase the load at a sub-maximal weight at any rep level making sure that your percentage of 1RM and time under tension increases all the time..... making sure your muscles do not condition to the load.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are your RM like this (HST maxes) or do you work your way up to true rep maxes?</div>

One of the reasons why it is better to actually see what your true maxes are before starting a HST program
, some of us calculate some of the maxes because you know maybe your 5RM or your 1RM, then you can aclcualte the others, but that being theoretical in anture it is best to see what really works in practice!

90% of the guys when they get to the last day of each minicycle (2 weeks of a certain rep max) they actually have superseeded they RM's by then which means they would actually have new RM's, so in theory they have what you are calling HST rep maxes, which would be 1 or 2 reps short of failure!

10% would have calculated and maybe due to lack of experience overcalculated (this may be your case), in which case they do not make their rep maxes without hitting failure, so what to do?

If this happens on the first set, and you actually short of 1 rep or two, make no &quot;beans&quot; of it, IMO you can hit failure on the last day as next day you will be on a lower rep phase and you'll be way within limits! So you have beaten RBE again anyways!

If it happens on your second set, then really it does not matter, you can do less reps then and even less on a third set, if it is there as what really matters is your first set!

IMO - don't get too theoretical, as you can easily manage a situation in a practical way. Remember HST is based on information straight out of the lab, and thus it may or will not apply to all in the same way!

Hope this appeases your fears to some extent!
Thanks for all the responses

I am on a lean bulk right now and i am coming off of a cut where i lost alot of strenght and weight so i counted on gaining strenght back fast and factored that in when i estimated my maxes

i also thought that I was supose to challege myself on the max workout days, guess that isnt so ??

i still cant decide to whether to start the 5's or finisht the 10's i guess what i could do is finish the 10's and just leave out the workouts that was real close to failure last time and on the others i will stop a rep or two short of failure even if it is only my 7,8,or 9 rep (hopefully that will be 10th) Does that sound like a good idea?
Finish the 10s but if you do two sets of 8 reps instead of 10 on some of your exercises, no worries. Just see how it goes. We all get bad days from time to time. Anyway, maybe Friday will be a good day and you'll get all your maxes?

Then enjoy your weekend, eat well, sleep well, ready for your first session of 5s on Monday. If you have some zig-zagging between 10s and 5s this should be a really pleasant session!