HST Results


New Member
Hello everyone !
After asking many times about creatine and protein intakes , I want to have some HS Trainers about something :
I have 17 ye
sorry , it is the suite of my topic

ok my question is : In 2 Months of HST with a good food that is to say a serious protein , carbs and fat diet to perform a good HST , Which results can I hope to reach ?

And on the contrary , Which results with dietary supplements like creatine and Protein ?

Only in 2 months !!

Yours all answers will help me a lot because with them a will be able to reach my objectives !

I just wan't to ad that with creatine and protein , the results will be better than with nothing but I want have a point of comparison and an idea of possible results in this two cases

Thanks !!
It's really hard to quantify. You don't have to use either. If you plan your diet right you can get 1 gram of protein per bodyweight without supplementing. The protein powder is a convenient way to get to that level if you are having trouble eating enough to do so.

Creatine occurs naturally in meat so your current creatine stores are a function of that. If you were/are a vegetarian then you would respond great to creatine. It will still work fine for you but it's hard to quantify.

A common practice is take some creatine and whey protein before working out and a post recovery shake after working out which might include some carbs and a fast protein like whey.

Maybe some of the other gurus on here can point to some hard research but figured I would throw my opinion in.

I think it ultimately comes down to how much calories you put in. If you were to eat at maintenance with the most perfect of ratios for carbs/protein/fat, it wouldn't really put weight on you since you'll be burning it all off.

Personally, I think you should concentrate on how much you should eat vs trying to tinker with getting the right amount of ratios. Just my IMO though, cause I find it tedious and hard to put on weight if I were to try and quantify everything I eat (and trying to eat 3000-4000 cals is no easy task unless you're takeru kobayashi).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's really hard to quantify. You don't have to use either. </div>

He's right. You can get away with not using both if you eat alot of meat, etc etc.

If you quantify how much calories you eat over maintanance, you can probably see how much weight you'll gain theoretically (ie, 500+ cals a day, 3500+ a week, which is almost 1lbs a week, mind you that's a mix of water, fat, lbm, etc etc i think...)

Hope that helps
tetrah has it right... it's all about caloric balance

the best way to measure this is figure out how many calories you burn by weight, bf%, and yor daily activities... then record what you eat every day

tweak the #'s after several weeks and you will truely know how much you burn/day or week

if you want to bulk, eat 500 calories more than you burn
if you want to cut, eat 500 less

if you want something in between, like a slower bulk for the summer, eat a couple hundred over
Ok so if I understand , Protein and Creatine is quite useless if I eat correctly.

Nevertheless , I thought these supplements can increasy really muscle growth !!

In two month , it is difficult to really grow !!

I think the whole majority have tried and HST with or without supplements.
Are the results very differents ?

Your proper experience of HST might help me !
If there is a big difference in muscle grow with or without dietary supplements , You have probably noticed it

Thanks !
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok so if I understand , Protein and Creatine is quite useless if I eat correctly. </div>
They're not that useless; they have their place in what you want to accomplish. If you are having trouble getting the right amount of protein, then protein shakes are a good source for that extra boost. Creatine so far hasn't shown to have too many side effects, so taking it is like having a bonus (doesn't count againts you). Then again, like alot of other people said, you are getting creatine in many foods you eat.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nevertheless , I thought these supplements can increasy really muscle growth !! </div>
They do help, but it depends on the context to which they are used. There are more important things to prioritize than taking these supplements (workout, caloric intake, etc).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think the whole majority have tried and HST with or without supplements.
Are the results very differents ? </div>

You might want to peak into the &quot;My results w/ HST&quot; thread. I haven't looked in their awhile, but I'm pretty sure some people have posted what they took while doing HST, along w/ their gains.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If there is a big difference in muscle grow with or without dietary supplements , You have probably noticed it </div>

As far as I know, those who made big gains constructed a good workout, and ate alot more than they burned. Taking protein and creatine supplements are just that; to supplement you w/ what you may be missing.
Diet is everything. All you should worry about is making sure you are getting 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight and getting a large enough calorie surplus. Personally, I like to shoot for 1000 calories over maintenance, but I have a hard time gaining weight, so it might be different for you. Don't worry so much about carbs and fats, as long as you aren't eating the worst foods you can possibly find, you will be fine.

Creatine - it can help, but then again it might not. It's never done much for me, but I eat a lot of meat, so maybe my creatine stores are pretty full already. I don't know. Try it and see. It won't do any harm, and if it helps you, then that's great.