HST Routine for check


New Member
Sorry for my english, i wanna start HST on monday, i have my max of 15,10 and 5's, this is my exercises and i don't know is my volume is correct, please check it and tell my is it good. Thanks for all replies ;)

LEGS - Squat
CALVES - Standing Calf Raise
CHEST - Bench Press
BACK - Barbell Row
SHOULDERS - Shoulder Barbell Press
BICEPS - Barbell Curl
TRICEPS - Lying Triceps Extension
TRAPS - Shrugs
TORSO - Crunch

In 15's 1 set per exercise
In 10's 2 sets per exercise
In 5's 3 sets per exercise

What do you think about that? What exercise i can do for first, second and the rest of my routine?
Looks good - many use the same exercises on HST and get great results. Deadlifts are pretty popular here (for good reason), so that is the only thing I see missing. I like to alternate squats and deadlifts for my legs and back.

Your volume looks good.

What order you do the movements is kind of up to you, but I'd do the biggest lifts first (squat, bench, row) and then trickle down to the smaller lifts (curl, tri ext, crunch).

It might be a trial and error thing. If doing squats first leaves you too exhausted to do the rest of the workout, put squats later in the sequence - etc.
thanks for reply,

i think i will alternate squat with deadlift, i have one question about exercise for biceps and triceps:
what do you think about start these exercises from 10's? i saw this in some users routines
thanks for reply,

i think i will alternate squat with deadlift, i have one question about exercise for biceps and triceps:
what do you think about start these exercises from 10's? i saw this in some users routines

For my last cycle, I included curls and other isolation-type stuff from day 1 and found they fit in well throughout the 15s and 10s. Once I got close to the end of the 5s, the isolation stuff was getting too heavy to lift safely and was draining on my other lifts.

Some stuff, in my opinion, isn't appropriate for 'maxing out'. Rear delt raises, lateral raises, tricep ext, etc. I don't care much about maxing out on anything other than major compound lifts like squat, deads, press.