HST ruins my biggest ever idea!


New Member
HST ruins my biggest ever idea!

Being born in Finland but always dreaming about remote countries the magic of a single road, Valtatie numero 4, Europe 75 or E75 as it is better known was something that I can not put into words. A road that runs the total length of the whole country. A road that connects Finland to FOREIGN parts of the world. This was a big idea for a small country boy. I even used to cycle along it for ten years as part of a 350 km ride went along it in the middle of the country.

During those years an idea was born: to cycle the length of Finland by the time I am 50.

(Unfortunately I moved to Germany 1994 and was unable to commit myself to the task. But luckily I now live in Kent, England so the winter is not as long and cold as back home and I am able to train more than eight months on the road each year.)

The route is 1285 km or 800 miles. Start is at Utsjoki and finish in Helsinki. I shall cycle max eight hours or 200 km per day for six days. That was the first bit. I made a map and drew the road on it. It looked really lonely and thus another idea was born, ride the country west to east as well along the Blue Road from Vaasa to Wärtsilä, Russian border. It only adds another 566 km or 350 miles and three days to the journey but creates a nice cross onto the map, just like the blue cross on our white flag!

I am already well past the 50-mark so I decided to give myself 1000 days to get fit again. 938 days to go today! Year 2010 seemed like a good number so there we are.
My birthday is 27. July so that is the day of the finish. To do the Blue road I have to celebrate our wedding anniversary 31.7. and then head for the road again.

As my weight had plummeted to 110 kilos or 242 pounds something had to be done; you can not lug that amount of fat on a bicycle and smile through the days. Cut the booze, slim down, start training properly etc was the name of the game. Summer on the road, autumn back to the gym and lo and behold, two months ago I was down to 96 kilos and well on my way to the "perfect" weight of 85 by the 2010.

Then I saw the link to HST on a Finnish website.

I today finished my first cycle that started with the 15s and went to the 5s. There has been no real pain as earlier with the power training. I look slimmer in the face and have lost a lot of fat.

But my weight is again over 100 kg! How can I ride up the hills with this weight!!

HST has made me pack almost four kilos of muscle in the bit over two months this cycle took. I shall most likely never reach my 85 but will be a lot stronger and happier during my rides.

I cannot thank Bryan and you guys enough. This is just amazing! I believe that I found the perfect routine for me. 3 or 4 days per week and no more than a hour a day with results that I never before have had…



Should somebody wish to join me on my epic ride please do let me know. I shall raise money for Plan and their work in India, education of girls, with this ride.
The weight gain is not due to exclusively HST. It is the amount of calories you are consuming. Check out some of the articles and notes in my Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread (in my signature) for some "cheats" to cut the extra calories out. You want to be cutting calories or at least be eating at maintenance. Also, if you haven't been lifting, you will put on muscle mass even though you are not bulking. It's the nature of a human being's amazing body. Don't fret, just check your caloric intake.
Welcome Jari

An interesting read the article you wrote! Amazing side effects this HST stuff hey?

You know Pierre Debbs (Dr.) is into cycling big time, you may want to PM him, he has I believe conquered the mass problem and adjusted his training accordingly.

Apparently he is a very happy cyclist, or should I say mountain biker and dodes some amazing mileage, check for his name by doing a search on this site.

Anyway, happy to read about your "troubles"
(colby2152 @ Dec. 20 2007,00:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The weight gain is not due to HST.  It is the amount of calories you are consuming.  Check out some of the articles and notes in my Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread (in my signature) for some &quot;cheats&quot; to cut the extra calories out.  You want to be cutting calories or at least be eating at maintenance.  Also, if you haven't been lifting, you will put on muscle mass even though you are not bulking.  It's the nature of a human being's amazing body.  Don't fret, just check your caloric intake.</div>
he said he has lost fat while gaining muscle,and has been doing HST which means he has been lifting weights,so i would say that HST deffinatly had something to do with gaining his muscle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">he said he has lost fat while gaining muscle,and has been doing HST which means</div>
...which means he's new to lifting, or he wouldn't be.
Hey Jari, if you're having trouble with the search, it's DrPierre in one word. He hasn't posted in a while.
I've seen a few (very few I admit) muscular bicyclists around here in Atlanta Ga. - but I'm thinking that they are just BB'ers out for their cardio. The majority look like marathon runners, which is why I don't bike.
I used to have a Plan for the Education of girls, but they usually just wouldn't cooperate.
(quadancer @ Dec. 21 2007,09:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I used to have a Plan for the Education of girls, but they usually just wouldn't cooperate.</div>
Quad, I have to ask what it is you are talking about?