HST Spreadsheet

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New Member
A while ago I created a HST cycle calculation spreadsheet which allows every variable of a cycle to be modified and automatically calculated for my own use which I have now make available to forum members. It is highly configurable and for that reason probably not suitable for novices to HST. Here is what it can do

[1] Calculates all the required rep max figures automatically for every exercise given the rep max figures for a lighter and heavier weight, or allows the user to enter the exact weights for the fixed mesocycle reps.
[2] Allows the weight increment percentage over a mesocycle for every exercise to be entered. This can also be done per week if desired.
[3] Permits either 3 or 4 sessions per week.
[4] Allows up to 18 exercises. Any exercise to be alternated across sessions.
[5] Allows the user to define up to 3 warm-ups per exercise for a complete mesocycle or per-week if required. The values for the reps and also the percentage of the workset weight are entered and the warm-up weights are automatically calculated based on the percentage figure. Warm-up weights are rounded to a user defined figure.
[6] Allows the workset reps and sets for each week to be entered.
[7] Displays the session dates given a macrocycle start date.
[8] Based on the workset weights for each exercise will automatically calculate the weight disk combination to add to each side of the barbell or dumbbell to achieve the desired workset weight. Especially useful after the head has shut down after a blood-glucose depleting set of heavy deadlifts! The user can modify the weight combinations based upon the disk set they have available to them.
[9] Prints each mesocycle to one sheet of A4.

The spreadsheet is currently configured to run the basic HST cycle ( 15, 10, 5, 5 reps 5% weight increment) using the exercise template provided by Bryan here http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_notes.html though as you can see every aspect of the cycle can be configured if necessary.

You can download a zipped version of the spreadsheet from here :


or the raw version here :


If you open the raw version with a browser a personal copy can be made by going to the File menu and choosing Save As. If you do not have Excel installed on your computer or are not using a Windows-based OS then the spreadsheet may also be opened with the free Open Office software suite of which there are both Windows and Linux versions available. Open Office can be downloaded from here:


I hope it will be as useful to some of you as it has been to me. Any suggestions for improvements or changes are welcome.
Thank you for spreadsheet, and sorry for the delay in getting your thread out of the moderation basket.

Thanks jvroig. This thread is identical to the other I originally posted in FYI which you moved so please lock this one and leave the other open for replies.
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