HST Variant, opinions please...

Dr. Swole

New Member
So I read the articles on HST and I am very interested. I am apx. 6'3, 230, looking to gain muscle while losing fat. I tried out the workout as outlined, however I find it very difficult to train the entire body (fatigue, and time constraints as well). Here is what I've thought of, please tell me if you guys think its valuable.

Same 8 week cycle, 15, 10, 5
Day 1: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Day 2: Legs/Back/traps/biceps
Day 3: Cardio/abs

continuing this cycle. 2 wks of 15, 2 wks of 10, 2 wks of 5, 1wk of 10, 1wk of 15, one week strategic deconditioning with maybe 3 days of cardio.

I have always trained one body part per week 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (protocol) for 8yrs, but have recently enjoyed increasing my reps to around 15. I'm interested to see what kind of gains I will make in the 8wks, and I will keep you posted.

I think I'm going to do 3 rounds of this plan, 24 weeks in total. First month, eating 200g protein 300g carbs, good fats, second month, follow carb cycling from UD 2.0, and the last month, the Body Opeus diet by my hero Duchaine. Hopefully I can cut my bodyfat to under 10% and get to around 205 - 210. I am a true endomorph and put on fat easily.

Any opinions/advice will be greatly appreciated as I do not have much experience with HST.

sorry to hijack your thread, but who is Dan Duchaine i've heard a lot about him here and there but never actually read anything by him or found out what hes about. The only thing i think i know is that he and Mentzer didnt get along.

If you are only working a bodypart once per week, are'nt you really excluding one of the most fundamental principles of HST (frequency)? 15, 10, and 5's are just numbers, they do'nt make you BIG.

Also, how do you find it difficult to perform full-body workouts? If it is time, then you are doing too many sets or excersises. Even if you did 20 sets, you could still be done in under an hour.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dr. Swole @ Sep. 08 2005,6:25)]I am apx. 6'3, 230, looking to gain muscle while losing fat.
I don't think you are going to have very much success losing fat while simulataneously gaining muscle. Even on drugs, it's still difficult. You would be better off picking a goal. Either bulk or cut.

Anyway, as was already point out, you should really try to hit each bodypart at least three times a week. Are you using the default routine from the articles section? If are having trouble handling the volume, try and upper/lower split, but still do the full body at least three times a week, even if you are using a split. Once or twice a week isn't very efficient.
I would be hitting each group a 2x every 6 days, a little less than 3x per week. Not once per week. I realized that adding muscle while losing fat is hard, but is not impossible, (ie, adding like 2 - 3lbs of muscle, per 15 lbs lost) as long as diet and cardio are in order. Maybe I could add one full body workout over the weekend, so i was hitting each group 3x. I'll keep you updated.
Dr. Swole

I am with Tot and the chiefhog, to be able to "taste" HST, you have to "hit" a whole new way of training.

The best I can suggest, is to try and stick to the big 5, and no...it is not the big 5 South Afican animals
LOL, but the big 5 coumpounds:

Squats/Bench presses/Dips/Military Press/Chin ups

Squat/Deadlift Pick one or alternate the two between  workouts

Bench press/Dips - alternate

Mil Press - alternate this with lateral raises

Chin ups/Rows - wide variety - pick two or three and alternate.

Stick to
1 - 2 sets for 15's
1 - 2 for 10's
2 - 3 for 5's and beyond

Keep it simple, but keep it going

I think you will progress with these simple rules

If you are going to slim down, keep calories slightly on the deficit, 500 or so and you'll loose slowly but constantly, eventually getting your goals.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Sep. 08 2005,9:42)]I don't think you are going to have very much success losing fat while simulataneously gaining muscle. Even on drugs, it's still difficult. You would be better off picking a goal. Either bulk or cut.
Why do you say that Toten? You can lose fat while gaining muscle. I have done it very well this past cycle. I am sure others like Daxie and Old and Grey (where ever he may be) will agree with me. As long as he adds around 300kcal above maintenance, does cardio, and practices HST (the right way - let me get to that in a quick second) he should have no problem with this. Albeit it is a slower process, it is a lot better and easier to do in the long run.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Day 1: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Day 2: Legs/Back/traps/biceps
Day 3: Cardio/abs

Dr. Swole, just like everyone else said - you need to do frequency! It's tough for people to get away from the mindset of doing tons of sets of chest and another muscle group on one day till failure, and then not working those muscles out for 3 days. I almost like your idea of using the 7th day for a full-body workout, but it wouldn't gel with the day before and afterwards. Why don't you try doing an upper/lower split 3x/week? (i.e. chest/shoulders/tris/upper back one day and oh say traps/biceps/abs/legs the next)
