HST Vs 3-day split.


New Member

So, whats the difference in gains produced by HST and a 3 day split?

If im to do HST
Should I be doing compounds only?
Or isolation exercises as well?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So, whats the difference in gains produced by HST and a 3 day split?</div>

Considerable! But why don't you check for yourself! The best proof is in the eating!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I be doing compounds only? Or isolation exercises as well?</div>

Usually, for newbies we recommend compounds only, but I will say this:

1 - Depends on how long you have been in the game.
2 - Compounds produces better growth because a lot heavier loads can be lifted!
3 - Isolations can be benefitial when used as an extra to a compound movement, but very few are actually used in HST.

There are a variety of programs around:

2, 3, 4, 5 &amp; 6x week compounds only

3 x week - 2x day

3 x week compounds mixed with 2x week isos (ironically people have named this variation Faustonian
as I came up with it some time back)

There are a few other slight variations.

But standard HST is simply:

1 - 3 x week (frequency is important)
2 - Progression whether linear or ondulated (with zigzag)
3 - Staying away from muscle failure (This only permitted on last rep of last rep scheme's 15', 10's or 5's day).
4 - SD or strategic deconditioning aftert 8 weeks of training or after finding maxes for all rep schgemes when starting, but every time after 8 weeks, duration min - 9 days max - 21 days (depending on muscle conditioning).

Hope this helps so far!

NB: SD is very much part of the success of this system!
Thanks for that

I also have another topic 'HST' you might be able to help me with the questions I have there also

the funniest thing i have heard from a guy in germany that he have said to his hst training:
&quot;im growing faster than the boys who are yousing steroids and train other than hst&quot;

(hes weight was 110kg)

so try it you will love it. i think for the first cycle do the standard thing with 6compounds 3 days week
when you read something around the board you will find many good routines.
