i push my car

New Member
I'm new to this site, however I'm an avid member at bodybuilding.com. Lately I've been interested in learning more about HST. I've read up and done research, but the one thing I haven't found was anyone who'se using an HST routine and seeing results.

Basically, I'm wondering if there's any success stories out there about HST, for I'm to scared to switch from my HIT routine to HST. I'm trying to mass up before college, so I don't (right now) have much time to experiment.
Plenty of results to be had if you look in the results thread
It's been stickied/pinned.


There are more success stories than you can shake a stick at. Also, if you are finding that your HIT w/os have reached a plateau you have come to the right place. There are lots of ex-HITers here who are now making great gains from applying the sound advice provided here.

I came from an HIT background. Then I found this site, read the FAQs and haven't looked back since.