HST with broken hand !!!


New Member

I,m totally gutted - while working on my car I hit my hand and have broken a bone in my hand (just below small finger) !!

To date I have been making great gains with only 5 weeks into my first HST cycle!!

I was hoping to switch my training to the following exercises

Pec dec
single arm bent over row
single arm curl (good arm only)
single arm tricep push down
Calf raise

Comments / recommendations / ideas etc welcomed

Cheers Pete

I,m totally gutted - while working on my car I hit my hand and have broken a bone in my hand (just below small finger) !!

To date I have been making great gains with only 5 weeks into my first HST cycle!!

I was hoping to switch my training to the following exercises

Pec dec
single arm bent over row
single arm curl (good arm only)
single arm tricep push down
Calf raise

Comments / recommendations / ideas etc welcomed

Cheers Pete

Do you workout in a commercial gym like Gold's or LA Fitness? There are some isolation machines that don't require you to grip handles hard to execute the movement. You mentioned the pec dec, that is one. The preacher curl machine at my old gym was such that I could just place the handle in the palm of my hand (not squeezing) and execute movement. There are others like this.
No - I train at home - have dumbells, barbell, rack, high & low pulley, leg curl, pec dec

but you may be right i need to use a commercial gym?