HST with HIIT for cutting - please critique routin


New Member
So I started cutting a few weeks ago. I'm a 24yo male, weigh 190 and am 6'2. Here is what I have been doing:

Normal HST routine w/ the following exercises M/W/F:

Benchpress (slight incline)
BB Rows
BB Curls
Military Press
Shoulder Raise
Rear shoulder (machine)
Tricep Extensions
Situps on incline (holding dumbell)
Calf Machine

I do 1 set of 15's for two weeks 1 set of 10's for 2 weeks and 3 sets of 5's for two weeks. Then I repeat the 5's as I have no training partner. (Of course with progressive load and other HST principles.)

First questions: Is SD necessary for cutting?

On T/TH I do HIIT on the elliptical. This is where my HIIT questions begin.

I do a 5 minute warmup, then sprint for 30 seconds to get my BPM to 176. Get my BPM back down to 126, then hit 176 again with 30 second sprint. I repeat this 5 times.

I have read different HIIT opinions, stating you should progress the number of intervals as weeks go by, do 60 second sprints, etc.

Also, should I be jogging between sprints until my BPM is back down to 126 (like I have been), or just jog for 30 (60?) seconds and sprint again regardless of my BPM?

And now for diet questions. I got a spreadsheet from this forum which indicates fats should be kept to 10%, Carbs to be 30% and protein to be 60% of caloric intake. Then I read at other places that eating more fats is more beneficial when cutting because it causes the body to use fat more as a fuel source. Any clarification on this issue from the experts here?
(windjammer @ Jul. 08 2008,3:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And now for diet questions. I got a spreadsheet from this forum which indicates fats should be kept to 10%, Carbs to be 30% and protein to be 60% of caloric intake.</div>
I am not an &quot;expert&quot;, but as the site's resident opinionated blowhard let me add my two cents.

I don't think it is good policy to set diet constraints using percentages. Depending on your weight and bodyfat percentage, the numbers may vary widely.

Instead calculate your protein needs and total calories allowed. Then adjust your diet accordingly.

As a rule of thumb, while cutting, make sure you are getting at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight. More is okay, but much less is not (I think the minimum safe protein intake is .7 gram per pound of body weight in order to keep from losing muscle mass).

Total calories are a function of body weight. Figure 10 to 12 calories per pound of body weight. That should let you lose weight nicely. I had a lot of luck with those numbers (I was shooting for 10 calories per pound of bodyweight, but often wound up with 12; I still lost weight).

Once you have your protein and total calories in order, filling in the rest of your diet is simple.
My opinion besides the nutrition is that the module MWF-HST/T Th-HIIT works like a bomb.

As for TR I agree with what he says, with added caution too much protein is no good for you, it is like a optimal thing ( 0.7g - 1g/Lb BW) IMO.
(Fausto @ Jul. 09 2008,4:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My opinion besides the nutrition is that the module MWF-HST/T Th-HIIT works like a bomb.

As for TR I agree with what he says, with added caution too much protein is no good for you, it is like a optimal thing ( 0.7g - 1g/Lb BW) IMO.
That's something we call the Faustonian cycle. It works like the bomb if you have your diet in check. You are on a bigger frame and your weight is at 190, so I would reckon that your BMR is about 2100 kcals/day. Therefore, if you eat about 1900-2000 kcals/day and you exercise for a good 45 minutes each day, you will find success in this cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">except I use kettlebells in a cardio sense ala tabata.</div>

I tried this with weights instead using cleans/box jumps/hack squats/bench/body weight chins and machine press, all in one cycle, rest min 30, max 60 seconds, and yep I very nearly passed out in the corner myself

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That's something we call the Faustonian cycle. It works like the bomb if you have your diet in check.</div>

Well thank you bro

That goes without saying, I on the other hand did not do that as I felt the need to &quot;attack&quot; the rest of my belly

I like his approach sounds cool specially the diet. I also did some power lifting exercises on non HST days.

Unfortunatelly for now I am on stand by, so I'll have to put training on a shelf!
Thanks for all the great suggestions!!! I really, really appreciate it!! One question still lingers, though: Is SD necessary for cutting?
&quot;Necessary&quot; is complicated. I think it is very important. When you are cutting you should be lifting heavy weights (mainly the 5s) to keep the beef. You are also having little fat due to the cut. Little fat and heavy lifting will get your joints. The SD and lower rep range will help them recover. Only important point is to return to maintenance calories during this period to avoid loosing muscle. Other benefit or returning to maintenance calories during SD/15s is to raise the metabolism that might have slowed down due to the cut.
As electric said, do not SD while you are cutting calories. If you need to take a break, bring calories back to roughly maintenance levels.