HST with IGF-1 LR3, MGF and creatine


I am just giving you a headsup that I am planning on running a 10 week IGF-1 LR3, MGF and creatine cycle starting in the next week.
I ordered all my gear from a reputable research chem supplier and expect it to arrive soon (5 days) as long as customs doesn't get a hold of it. All up it has cost me $US550 or $AUD780. So it better come and I had better get some decent results from these chems.

I am very keen to see what these peptides can do coupled with a decent HST program (simplify and win style). I am expecting significant fat loss. I will post my full training and dosage regime in the training log section as soon as I start. This way you avoid all of the nasty steroid side effects and swap them for milder and more transient side effects.

Has anyone out there tried any of the exotic peptides that are now available, steroids are slowly becoming old news (they still have their place, but times are changing)?
ok I got all of my gear safe and sound in the mail, I had my first shot of MGF today, will keep everyone updated with results.