
New Member

Age: 17, nearly 18.
Weight atm: 142 lb

Can I bulk until im the weight I wish to be, and then cut, and stay cut, without losing the muscle?
Or must I cycle, bulk/cut/bulk cut....

I also wish to gain a considerable amount of strength.
I know this HST is primarily for getting bigger, so should I do my strength training while cutting?

Food intake - if I use the formulae's on this site to give me how much calories I should be intaking per day...
how do I actually work out by the food im eating, how much calories im actually getting...

(Haven't started any weight training as of yet, trying to get enough info first
Bulk, then cut. You'll lose some muscle cutting but not a lot if done correctly. 500 calories under maintanence. High protein intake especially casein. You can follow the cycle with some 5x5 or extend the 5's if your more interested in strength.
measure your body fat%.... don't rely on weight.....
here is just one of the many approaches: since you want to get bigger and apparently your body fat is very low (unless your height is short), if your body fat is low (let's say lower than 15%) you bulk up to 15% then you cut down to 10% in 1 go or do it staggered... (first lower 2%, up 1%, down 2%, up 1%.... until you hit 10% or lower again.).... then go up to 15% again and repeat the cycle..... try not to have a calorie deficit beyond 500 during your cutting phase.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Or must I cycle, bulk/cut/bulk cut....</div>

Probably your best bet, I did not see how tall are you? The weight/body fat ratio at 14% youy say?

Well, go as high protein as you can, while still keeping some carbs and fat (at least 20%).

Do cardio on off days specially HIIT, CX or Tabata which are the effective types of aerobic for fat burning, this should let you keep bulking for fairly lengthy periods without adding too much fat!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Do cardio on off days specially HIIT, CX or Tabata which are the effective types of aerobic for fat burning, this should let you keep bulking for fairly lengthy periods without adding too much fat! </div>

Hum, Fausto, this seems to go against what many guys on this board would say, Totentanz for example. Have you tried bulking while doing HIIT, CX or Tabata on off days? How has it worked out for you? I'm wondering if it would be better for me to proceed in the way you suggest as I would like to bulk for a whole year straight if possible which would necessitate some means of limiting fat gain.
