
New Member

I can't get to a gym for many reasons, and I must train at home.

Im needing exercises that I can do without a spotter.

So, squats would be out, what about dumbell squats, would that work?

What other exercises could I do? Im needing a few to start a cycle...

Thanks in advance!

Why would squats be out, I do train at home and mostly use noi spotter, by the way it is rather difficult to spot someone doing squats.

D/B squats works but...eventually become unmanegeable because of the weight, you must aim to get to 2x body weight, in time that is indeed possible without any spotting at all, you do need a rack though!

Here's what I do:

Deadlifts / Squats (alternated - deads once p/week)
15° B/B benchpress
Chins (underhand close grip) - Seated Cable Rows (Low pulley) alternated as they are two different exercises for the same body part.
Military press
Abs (personal choice)

All done without any spotting, unless there is someone to help when I am on 5's, and it is mostly for bench press, nothing else.
Why exclude squats? You don't need a spotter to squat safely. A power rack would be a good buy though. Now that I train by myself I never have a spotter. The great thing about training with HST priciples is that you can avoid HIT style failure completely so you should always get your reps safely. So, if you know how to squat be sure to go 'A to G' and then you will be using poundages that are not excessive for your lower back to handle. This will help you to maintain good form for all your reps and sets.  Anytime you think you won't make the next rep then stop!

Check out the Simplify and Win thread for plenty of info on other exercises to include.

Aha! I see Fausto beat me to it.
Cheers for the replys.

At the moment I have no squat rack or bench press.

I have, dumbells, barbell, weights, tricep bar...

Suggestions for using just them?

(I could get myself a bench press, but would have no where at all for a squat rack at the moment)
I train at home too.  I started with only a cheap bar, some plate loaded dumbells, some plates and added more as I needed from there.

You don't have to have a fancy bench, power cage, or any of that...they are nice to have.  I'm saving up for a cage now.

My first bench that I added to my equipment came from the dump, an old rusty thrown out one.  I got some naugahide and duct tape to fix it up.  It served me well until I got a 100.00 Golds Gym XR5 from walmart with the squat rack on the uprights.

As far as squatting without a rack - I don't know the name of the lift, but It's what I used to get the bar into squatting position - it's one of the olympic lifts - powerclean I think.

Just grip the bar like you are going to do a deadlift, pull it up like a deadlift, keep it moving and bring it to your chest into an overhead press, carefully lower the bar onto your traps and you are ready to squat.

Doesn't work very well when you are squatting more than you can put over your head though.

Hmmm, doing this with HST - using submaximal weights - just might work well.

Floor presses are a good sub for bench presses until you can get a bench.

Here's what I do at home with only a bar, plates, a length of chain with a carabiner, my old gunbelt from when I was fat(no dipping belt yet), and dumbells:  Squat, deadlift, stiff legged deadlift, bent over row, pullups, bench press, overhead press, crunches, good mornings, calf raise, shrug, curl, skull crusher, tate press.

There are many more possibilities but these are all I use because I'm small, weak, and lazy.

If you want it bad enough, you can find a way to safely adapt what you've got to work with into a good workout. Good luck to you in finding the best way for your body.
Buy a bench that can also act as a squat rack. That's what I use right now until I can get a power cage.

Here are what exercises I routinely do at home without a spotter:

Incline Bench
Military Press
Seated Press
Bentover Rows

etc. etc.