HTS schedule, what do you think?


New Member
Hey all,

After my gym closed I stopped HST, after a long pause I wanna start from home with nothing more then dumbells and a training bench.

With all the knowledge on this forum I like to post my schedule and hear your review.
I do a 2x15,2x10,2x5 routine.

- Lateral raises
- Arm curls
- Bench press
- Shoulder press
- bent over row
- dumbell squat
- shrug

So what do you think? not enough compound? loose the lateral raise (although they're fun), shrugg (not fun!!)?


@mod, if this is better off in the training log section, my apologies.
You need to buy a bar to be honest. Dumbells are good and all but you need to squat and dead (at least in my opinion.)
I would drop the lat raises and curls, rig something to do dips on and chins if you can. See sci muscles recent thread for that.
If you train alone you gotta think of your own safety as a priority though. Get a cage if you can. Don't chance it.
Good luck,
You can buy a dip belt or make your own. And then hang dumbells from your belt to add resistance. Many guys here do dips with over 100 lb.s hanging from a belt.