I´m getting too big

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None of my jeans fit me in the legs anymore.
My legs are exploding and I have gained almost 7 kilos (88 to 95 kilos)
since starting HST and I am not finished with my first cycle of
5´s.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of my jeans fit me in the legs any more.
The mountain bike race season starts in one month!!!!!! with the first race a 80 kilometer 2000meter altitude race in the italian alps.
I have to cut down big time and lose all possible fat before going back to
HST. I will do only 2x 15´s for two or three months and only Dips, Chins, Shoulder press, and squats. Plus some heavy dieting with lots of cardio and HIIT and lots of protein to prevent massive muscle loss. After losing the excess fat I´ll be back.

wish me luck and good luck with all your gains!!!!!!!!

Hey Pierre, having to buy a new wardrobe is an unavoidable consequense of HST! It's a case of been there, done that, got to get a new t-shirt!

Hope the biking goes well.
2x15s might not be a good idea if you want to retain muscle mass. Add in at least a couple heavy sessions each week or you can kiss a significant amount of your new muscle goodbye.
What would you suggest:
Just keep doing vanilla HST but with heavy dieting/cardio?

I am sorry to be the wet blanket.....
... but how about this:

After reading that you gained 7 kilos in such a short time I can only say that it is muscles with the fat that comes along.... so, if you have to get into shape for the race.... hey, by the way, that is really nice.... well, you need to try to obtain these 2 things:

a) get rid of the fat, otherwise it will be an additional burden in the alps

b) because at higher elevation oxygen diminishes you need to increase something called "oxygen extraction" , which is the amount of oxygen that your cardio-respiratory system is able to extract into the cells during each breath (NOT ALL THE OXYGEN YOU BREATH GOES INTO THE CELLS, ONLY A PERCENTAGE)

c) keep your muscles as much as possible

well, in order to achieve this you need to do something and that is....... increase your training like hell !!!!; I mean...
a) do cardio a lot, and as HIIT..... run for 1 min at 90-95% of your HBR max and 1-2 min jogging in your aerobic range... these cycles for 20 minutes.... this will burn a lot of fat and will push your VO2 max by increasing your Oxygen extraction" and at the same time increasing your "Oxygen output" (which is the volume of blood that your heart is able to have and pump with each heart beat)

b) keep your HST or increase it to try to have 45-60 minute workout... but resting 30-45 seconds between sets... in order to make it a cardio session too, so you can get rid of the fat faster

c) watch your diet, too big a calorie deficit will leave you with little energy for the race and a high level of cortisol in your body... and during the race you may hit the wall, if not before...... aim at 500 cal deficit per day and twice a week eat at your maintenance level to keep your body off-guard, otherwise your fat cutting will slower

d) keep protein not too high, emphasize protein before your cardios and workouts and before going to bed.....

e) VERY IMPORTANT: eat lots of carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates.... you need to replenish to full capacity the glycogen in your muscles..... specially start doing this 1 week before starting the race... continue eating it during the race..... this will be your best friend.

good luck and cheers

Forgive me here, how much fat did you actually put on?

HST is like that! Specially if you are eating above maintenance!

But hang in there man! Just do HIIT, till the alps, and.....good luck!
i think i have read somewhere to maintain the muscle you have train fullbody 1x a week..in your 10 rep range..good luck
Pierre, I am sorry, I forgot to give the explanation about why you have to eat carbohydrate like hell, specially from 1 week before the race to the end of the day of your race...... it is because by keeping your storage of glycogen (which will be the source of glucose for your muscles during competition) you are sparing the muscle tissues... your body will not resort to breaking down muscles to obtain the glucose (from the aminoacids) if there is no good supply of glucose somewhere else...
Yeah, a carb load before the race could be a good idea. Alternatively, you could try UD2.0 which has worked very well for people in the past. It also has variations for endurance athletes, prepping for contests, etc.
Thanks for all the replies. RE: nutrition for races.. I have a good handle on that.

My cardio condition is VERY good. Remember I am a spinning instructor and give at least 5 hours a week. In addition, I am clocking at least 300km a week on the bike outside during the spring, summer and fall. My resting heart rate is around 43 for the last 6 months. I do Tabata 2x a week.

I did some number crunching last night and the problem was too high a caloric intake over the last 6 weeks. I was taken in around 6000 calories a day.....but I was so friggin hungry....and this explains why I exploded. I will continue doing what I was doing just keeping the calories at 5000. I don´t want to lose more than 300 to 500 grams body fat a week. According to the fat calipers I gained 1.5 kilos fat and the remaining 5.5 kilos......MUSCLE! ( and maybe some water
and this with 40 years of age.
I would not be complaining! But then again, that is me!

6000? Goodness, that is 1000 per meal, no wonder!

Good idea, 5000 for your size, and stay with the 5's.

My latest idea as I was telling my lazy partner is to do 5's till my joints hurt, 4 or even 6 weeks of it.

Gotta get my Tabata going again, though, I have been extermely lazy!
(drpierredebs @ Mar. 31 2006,01:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did some number crunching last night and the problem was too high a caloric intake over the last 6 weeks. I was taken in around 6000 calories a day.....but I was so friggin hungry....and this explains why I exploded. I will continue doing what I was doing just keeping the calories at 5000. I don´t want to lose more than 300 to 500 grams body fat a week. According to the fat calipers I gained 1.5 kilos fat and the remaining 5.5 kilos......MUSCLE! ( and maybe some water
and this with 40 years of age.</div>
Yea, remember, with that muscle comes new blood vessels, water, etc. It's more correct to say you gained 5.5kg of LBM, which is nothing to sniff at!

and you are asking for advice !!!!
... you have it more clear and under control than anybody... hey, 43 during rest is superb....... and it will be easy to cut down that &quot;fat&quot;... I think your worry should be perhaps not to over train... hey, by the way, what is tabata ??... first time I hear about it.
Thanks dudes for the responses.
Just got back from a 4 hour spinning marathon.
I´m kinda pooped it´s late here in München.
Befroe the marathon I managed to get in a set of 5x5xBW of Dips and chins.

ManI love dips and chins and I used to really hate them...in fact I never did them.

Anyway, I added 5 grams of Creatine, 50 grams of Amino Acids, 25 grams dextrose and 25grams of a mineral mix for marathons into a water bottle and I drank that over the course of 4 hours plus normal water.

I haven´t felt this good after a 4 hour marathon in a long time and I am sure it is due to HST in some way. I had strength and energy throughout despite the increase in , ahem, LBM!

Time for bed.