Fear not
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But now some people tell me its bad.
They are wrong, as JV puts it, if you have enough "gas" that should not be a problem.
I know that what some of us said was that it would work better to do 3 x /week 2 x /day.
But there is a whole lot of guys doing 6 x week and doing it well.
Hey...pain is not an indicator, dude!
Are you pushing to the required poundage, getting to the required reps...if so the rest is not important, maybe you could look at a fullness, a pump (if you would) in the muscles and a kind of inflated feeling while the blood is engorged in the muscle, which subsides slightly the day after or even a little later, that is it.
Yah, you may get some pain, but you should not be looking for it...I know...I is a sad case with most of us...from bad information we got before and being somewhat brain washed with it 'cause it made sense
Well, welcome to HST...a pleasent surprise, I'd say...fear not and look not for the pain...