I couldn't find some answers anywhere


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm new to HST but I've been working out for about 18 months now and really need something new. Some buddies on the Men's Health boards suggested HST with lengthy endorsments. I have a couple quick questions that I couldn't find in the FAQ or y'alls previous discussions, I hope some of you wouldn't mind giving them a shot:

1. I like to do slight incline dumb bell bench as my chest exercise, unfortunately my 15 RM is only 120 (2x60), and my gym has dumb bells that go up by five (so ten total). If I'm doing a 2 week rep block I would have to start with 70 (2x35), basically, going down by ten's doesn't seem to make sense because my totals are so low that ten pounds is a very significant percent of my 15 RM. This is also true for exercises like assisted dips 15 RM.
Anyways, has anyone tries out doing one week rep blocks as suggested in the HST principles section? If so could you please explain, would I simply do 15x100 then 15x110 then 15x120 and the next week move onto 12's?

2. I don't see a lot of people using upright rows, but I find they are a good way to hit the lateral delts and traps with a compound movement, is there something I'm missing? Wouldn't they be better than overhead presses which (I've heard & could be wrong on) mainly hit the anterior delts?

3. Is doing 2 sets of squats and 2 sets of DL 3 times a week too much. I know this has been addressed but it seems like a mix between people saying it is too much and people telling newbies that they don't have enough legs exercises, any insights would help. Maybe just 1 work set of each?

Anyways, thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate any advice you could give me. I've heard a lot of good things about these boards and am excited to get involved! Best Regards.

I am going to attempt to help you:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">would I simply do 15x100 then 15x110 then 15x120 and the next week move onto 12's?</div>

Why 12's? the set up here si normally 15/10/5 and 5 with negatives, although you can do 15/12/10/8/6/6 and then negatives for 2 weeks, but those are fairly close rep ranges, and you chould work out your rep maxes, too much work IMO.

Anyway to the question at hand
- Yes you can do while on 15's 100/100/110/110/120/120 then go over to 10's and whatever the availability of weights is keep to the same type of set-up.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't see a lot of people using upright rows, but I find they are a good way to hit the lateral delts and traps with a compound movement, is there something I'm missing?</div>

That's because most of us feel that exercise has a good potential to injure our shoulders (some do use it though), but you ellect to do it, it is fine, perhaps use dumbbels and a widish grip and go only as far as the bottom part of your chest.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wouldn't they be better than overhead presses which (I've heard &amp; could be wrong on) mainly hit the anterior delts?</div>

I and a lot of others prefer Military press to the neck or chin (and that hits the whole shoulder), we will use OHP when the weight gets really heavy.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is doing 2 sets of squats and 2 sets of DL 3 times a week too much. I know this has been addressed but it seems like a mix between people saying it is too much and people telling newbies that they don't have enough legs exercises, any insights would help. Maybe just 1 work set of each?</div>

Well, the reason why many of us think so is because it tends to be too much for the lower back, however there are those heavy duty dudes who do it all in one day. If you find yourself in this category, then by all means do it, if not alternate it each training day or even drop to 1 set each depending on rep scheme or even throughout.

Hope this helps for now...welcome to HST

3 simple rules for success:

1 - Test rep maxes for each rep scheme
2 - SD and start after at least 9 days off
3 - Use a progression that suits your capabilities, even if repeasted once, zigzagging when changing rep schemes is not a bad this either.
4 - Do not go to failure, except on the last day of each 2 week rep scheme.
5 - Negatives if possible should be done, else simply repeat the last weight load of 5's and if possible increase slowly but surely.
6 - Eat, eat and eat some more (push nutrition to at least 500 Kilocalories in excess of BMR) and make sure you eat clean.

That's it, success!
1. Like Fausto says, for 15s go with 100,100,110,110,120,120. It's fine to repeat a few workouts as long as the weight is going up over the cycle.

2. Some guys use big poundages for upright rows. I quite like them. 15s and 10s should be fine but once you get to 5s be sure to do a thorough warm-up otherwise you might be asking for trouble. Rotator cuff pains are not nice. I actually prefer to do standing presses as I feel better able to handle more load with this movement. They definitely seem kinder on my joints during 5s.

3. For me personally squats and SLDLs three times a week is OK. If I were to do normal deads and squats three times a week my lower back might start to be a bit of a pain on non-training days. However, I have noticed that it is getting better at dealing with the hammering it is taking and during post-5s this cycle I have been doing squats and deads each session. I do 3 work sets for squats but just 2 work sets for deads. So far so good.

My opinion is that squats and SLDLs are a killer combination for legs so if you can do both then go for it. They are just two of the best compounds you can do. If you find that both are too much right now just do squats 3 x weekly and SLDLs maybe 2 x weekly and see how that goes. It's your workout so find out what works for you.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.  I'll probably switch squats to leg presses for the back concern. Should I use longer excentric times on the second rep cycle of 100? You know, just to make it a little tougher? thanks
Personally, if I find that a weight is light I just do more reps, but stop short of failure.