I dropped my flat Bench Press!!!!

Captain Crunch

New Member
Well, I have just started my second cycle of HST and decided to give in a drop the flat bench press from my routine. This has been a hard decision but after reading that so many of you are not doing it I had to give it a chance. After my first two workouts in the 15's this time around I can't say I miss it yet but will have to see at the end of the cycle if my growth has remained the same. I must admit that I certainly have more energy to do the follow up movements when I am not doing two chest movement on the same day. I was doing incline bench (DB) and Dips on the same day and then on my alternate day I was doing the flat bench. I have now split the Incline bench and Dips onto two seperate days and it felt good to be able to put everything into the one movement knowing that I did not have to get into another pressing motion right afterwards.

I will let you know what happens if anything.

My one dilemma is that I was going to try and do barbell inclines instead of the DB's because I can load more weight on the bar but it seems to hurt my shoulders as the weight increases. I may try the barbell for the 15's and when I start to feel it I will switch back to DB's for the 10's and 5's. I can still pack on a fair bit of weight on the DB's and the added ROM is likely good as well.

Do you see any advantage to either movement over the other? I mean obviously if it hurts it's not good but other than that is there much difference?

DB's will give you a greater range of motion, more stretch and the ability to make the movement more compound by working the stabilizing muscles more.