I got a flu


New Member
I just finished my 4th week of 5s (2 regular + 2 extension) and I felt good and hit some new PRs, but unfortunately today I'm sick with fever and I think I won't train till friday (I train full body 3x week).
What should I do ?
1- Stop and SD for a week and then restart from 15s in 10 days
2- Keep going on with 5s on friday.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Thank you

When it comes to colds/flu - if its above the neck I lift , below the neck I dont . Flu can be funny though , with a fever I wouldn't lift .  

You would probably be doing the best thing to just roll with it into SD . Then start a new cycle.
You are already near the very end of your cycle, so I would just SD for at least a week and a half and start a new cycle as Russ suggested.
Yup, let your body fight the bug and give your CNS a break for a bit. You achieved some new PBs so you'll be upping the RMs and therefore the starting loads for your next cycle. That's progress.

A problem I face when I get a rotten bug (just had one) is trying to ensure I eat enough. I generally have a greatly reduced appetite. I did a little experiment during my recent bug and drank lots of orange juice milk shakes (I tend to crave orange juice and vitamin C when I get a flu bug). My family and friends always think milk is the enemy and the worst thing for me with a bug but actually I didn't have a problem with it. It meant I could take in quite a lot of calories very easily and I didn't lose too much weight. I know there's an old saying "feed a cold, starve a fever" and there may be some truth in it but is there any medical reason why milk shouldn't be consumed?

In my case, two weeks after getting the flu bug I'm still not quite feeling 100% yet but I think it's OK to begin a new cycle as the loads start out fairly light with 15s; this first week will be nice and easy. Hope you can get some rest and get well for your next cycle. Onwards and upwards!
(mantica @ Oct. 29 2007,07:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just finished my 4th week of 5s (2 regular + 2 extension) and I felt good and hit some new PRs, but unfortunately today I'm sick with fever and I think I won't train till friday (I train full body 3x week).
What should I do ?
1- Stop and SD for a week and then restart from 15s in 10 days</div>

Take a break. You've already finished a good cycle. Now is a perfect time for you to SD.

Remember: death is nature's way of telling you to slow down...
You are lucky you have come to a place with competent people because other places would suggest that you just &quot;sweat it out&quot;. But really, a break is much, much better and safer.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are lucky you have come to a place with competent people because other places would suggest that you just &quot;sweat it out&quot;. But really, a break is much, much better and safer.</div>

You're right, but.....

... if I restart next Monday, after 10 days SD, with 5x5 Madcow (intermediate) not from the very beginning (week1), but where weights are 5-10% less than I did last friday ? This way in one week I will do what I did last time in the gym.

Two reason behind this solution:
1- I was feeling very good (new PR, no joint pain....), maybe one week stop will not reduce so much my strength.

2-I don't like the idea of starting again with 15s, I'm not ready yet.

After 10 days SD, I'd start a brand new cycle. What have you got to lose? I will also start a brand new cycle tomorrow - after 17 days SD. I'm sure it was wise to take that time off.

1. One week SD is not enough to see strength loss. On the contrary: often people feel stronger after some time off. Besides, unless you're a competitive powerlifter, strength is secondary in my opinion.

2. You're not ready yet for what? A new cycle? If you're not ready yet, take more time off. You won't regret it.