I GOT THIS!!!!.....i think?


New Member
Ok, be patient with me, ive been reading over this website for three days now. Hopefully i have this now...i just want clarification.

So, this week, im finding my 15, 10, 5 rep range maxes.

Next week ill take a week off to SD

Then i start.

First 2 weeks, are broken into 6 sessions. So, for session 1, im to do 2 sets of 15 at 75% my 15rep maximum? So using my exercises below, i should be benching 37.5kgs (75%) for 2 sets, at the same weight in my first session. Yes? Then my second session, Wednesday, do 2 sets of the same weight, and that should be 80% of my 15RM.....and the same with the rest of the exercises?

I think i have this, then repeat for the 10RM 2 week period, and again for the 5RM 2 week period. (havent really looked into week 7 and 8 yet, ill get there...)

Ive been training for 2 years, and found 5 day splits just havent been getting me any results after my first 8 months, and the last 3 months ive got alot out of 3 day a week full body workouts. So im looking forward to this, i think i understand the principles behind it.

Thanks for the time, i think i got this!

My exercises chosen im doing are: (at 15RM)

Squats = 50kg
Bench Press = 40kg
Dead Lifts = 60kg
Standing Overhead Dumbell Presses = 10kg
Pulldowns = 40kg
Cable preacher Curls = 20kg
Tricep Extensions = 20kg
Cable Crunch = 25kg

(Using a 20kg Olympic sized Bar / Dumbells)
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thats correct,but if you find 75% is to light try it this way 85,85,90,90,95,100.
or instead of doing 2x15 do higher sets ie 18 or 19 but stop short of faliure.