I have a weird physique... (weak point training)


New Member
I've touched on this in other posts, but I want to expand on it here in hopes of getting better insight. My legs & arms have always been well developed, while my glutes, back & chest lag behind. It's been suggested that the lagging body parts will eventually catch up, but I can assure you, that is not the case. While doing compound moves my extremities do all the work, unless I go really light, but is that what should be doing?? Looking at my parents, it's obviously genetic, but I'm still going to try and achieve a more balanced physique.

Just for examples sake, I can bench press more weight with a narrow grip (elbows in) than I can with a wide grip, and it's the same scenario with back & leg movements.

So, should I just lower all my weights to the point where I can concentrate on the lagging muscles? Should I do isolation movements? Something else entirely??
Yes. Prioritize your weaknesses. Focus on controlling the weight throughout the lift and make sure you get the mind to muscle connection down. If that means lowering the weight then thats ok. You will build strength over time. Pyramiding the weight up is often a good way to "get the feel" before moving into heavier sets.