I keep missing the last workout day for 15 reps


New Member
Hey guys, I'm facing a tough problem lately. During my first week of the 15 rep, I fell sick on the 3rd workout day and the 2 rest days at the end. So I ended up having to start the 15 rep week from the start again. And now after almost reaching the 2nd week of the 2nd try of the 2 week 15 reps block, on the last day of the 15 rep workout, I didn't get enough sleep the night before, tried to sleep again in the afternoon, but end up waking up only a few hours later and still not having enough sleep. So then I decided to just wait for the next day to do the last 15 rep workout. But then at night, I couldn't sleep at all! Ended up sleeping for 4 hours starting from 7am. This is terrible. I already did like 3 weeks of 15 rep (short of 2 workout days for the whole 3 weeks) and it seems like I'm unable to workout today either due to lack of sleep. Taking a nap would cause me to sleep even later tomorrow and I have an exam tomorrow. I was wondering if I could just go straight to 10 rep next week, cuz if I do 15 rep again I might be stuck with it for another I dont know how many weeks.
Just finish your last workout. I workout on little sleep more than I would like. Nothing is set in stone..."cuz if I do 15 rep again I might be stuck with it for another I dont know how many weeks." That comment makes no sense to me. Who or what will determine how long you stay in the 15's other than you?
I dont think thats a very wise idea, with only 4 hours of sleep could only lead to injuries or sickness if I workout. I've seen guys trying to push themselves even when they're sick, it just makes them even more sick. And falling sick is something I want to avoid. On the main page it says that we need to use our head.

I'm already doing 3 weeks of incomplete 15 reps. Can someone tell me if I can go to 10 reps now. because I don't believe that you can actually get gains only if you complete the 2 weeks 15 reps block perfectly.
Go ahead to the 10 rep phase.

Nobody ever said you need to perfectly complete two weeks of 15 reps to grow muscle. Some even skip the 15's on some of their cycles, and only begin their cycle with 15's when they feel their joints could use it.

The batman's right! Cut the chase!

Go to 10's and use camomile tea it will improve your sleep!
Just remember that the suggested workout plan is *suggested*. It does not mean you will not make gains any other way and doesn't even mean it is the best way to make gains. Many people in this forum have adapted their workouts with greater gains. I wouldn't worry so much on the little things. You can either go ahead with the 10 as other people have suggested or try the 15s. If you are not feeling well try lowering the volume on this particular workout or split it in two days or two times in a day. If the weights feel too heavy on this particular day you can cluster the set or lower the weight. In the end this won't matter much as long as you keep following HST principals.
I agree with the others. Since you have already done 3 weeks of 15's, it's time to move forward with the 10's. Keep in mind that no single workout is that important, it's the overall weight progression throughout the cycle that matters the most.
For sure, move on to the 10's. But I think you should really evaluate what might be interfering with your sleep and straighten that out. I know first hand how poor sleep can hamper your progress and I'm still battling with it every night. Good sleep is very important in the overall scheme of training.
As others said, you need to get you rest in order to assure proper and full recovery. When you get back to the weights in a day or few, start back up where you left off. You will learn that your mesocycles do not need to be followed to a "T" every two weeks. HST is highly manageable and nothing is set in stone.
The guys here are right, this programme isn't a computer programme & you can make a few alterations but that being said, don't make too many. I've had trouble with sleeping before and you know why? Because I was constantly worried "How many hours of sleep am I getting?!" and i was really worried which ironically stopped me from sleeping. So moral of the story is: stop worrying how much youre sleeping and get on with your life that way sleep will come naturally- its a psychological thing really.