I need help setting up a HST routine


New Member
I would like to start HST with the following routine:

Dips/Incline DB Press
Chins/DB Rows
Military Press/Side Laterals

The thing is that I can only do 5-6 chins( and increasing ) and 11 dips, which seems to make load progression impossible.
I have no access to assisted chins or dips machines.
Any suggestions what to to? I simply must do these 2 exercises...
Thanks, L. You're all over the place :)

good info from lol as usuall,one thing you could also do is,instead of doing chins/dips as part of your routine this cycle,add one set of each at the end of your workout,and try and increas the reps untill you reach 15 or more,then start using them as your main exercises next cycle,also look into kipping chins/dips.
Good call Faz! I was just thinking last night that it might be good to use kipping pull-ups during 15s, switching to strict and weighted during 10s, to give a better load progression over a cycle. Then you could also add in a high-rep set of kipping p-us after heavy weighted p-us during 5s for metabolic stress. I haven't tried it yet but it makes good sense.
Good call Faz! I was just thinking last night that it might be good to use kipping pull-ups during 15s, switching to strict and weighted during 10s, to give a better load progression over a cycle. Then you could also add in a high-rep set of kipping p-us after heavy weighted p-us during 5s for metabolic stress. I haven't tried it yet but it makes good sense.

yeah i always do chins/dips at the end of the workout even if its not in my routine,only 1 set though(unless its in the routine) they are a bit of an ego exercise,so i dont like to let them slip,there great when you get a big guy comes in the gym who can do a massive bench,then he gets up and looks around as though to say "top that" so i like to get on the chinning/dipping bar and hammer out some,knowing he probably cant manage it.
i also like to do my dips super strict with both feet together straight legs no bending.
yeah i always do chins/dips at the end of the workout even if its not in my routine,only 1 set though(unless its in the routine) they are a bit of an ego exercise,so i dont like to let them slip,there great when you get a big guy comes in the gym who can do a massive bench,then he gets up and looks around as though to say "top that" so i like to get on the chinning/dipping bar and hammer out some,knowing he probably cant manage it.
i also like to do my dips super strict with both feet together straight legs no bending.

You'll just have to hope Konstantinovs never pops in to your gym! :D

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big guy lol,but pretty poor form on the chins TBH,the guy that got me into lifting was a bbr called basil grant,he was a big guy but when he did dips/chins he used to hold his legs out infront of him(like a ab exercise) and he used weights between his legs,thats what you call strict.i can do one or two all the way down but i end up losing concentration and letting my legs lower,so i just keep my legs straight and together.