I need help



I'm splitting my full body workout into an upper lower split. My upper body routine is great, but I'm having trouble witht he lower body.

So far, I see :

A:Squats (30 reps)/DLs (one set)
B:DLs (30 reps)/Squats (one set)
(alternate A/B)
Russian Twists

That's not a lot of work, especially since I'm cutting and want to burn some calories. I have free weights and a bench with the typical leg ext and curl attachment.

Anything else I can do? I've never done much for the legs beyond squats and DLs.
I did my first HST cycle and did SLDL for the first time and saw some results.

I have an a and b routine. On A I will do full squats and SLDL and on B I just do DL. I was able to get some results doing that.
I like doing the same number of lifts each A/B workout, so maybe I could do Squat and sldl on day A, and DL and leg ext. on day B?
30 reps im guessing your clustering.
why not do
A) squat/sldl 30 reps both
B) leg-press/dl 30reps both
that is harder than you think
Not clustering but 2x15, 3x10, 6x5

I don't have access to a leg press, so I think I'm stuck with leg extensions.
I never thought to add leg press to my DL days, I may give that a shot.  I think my legs could use the extra work.

Have you thought about lunges instead of leg extensions?
Who cares about burning calories from weights. Use weights to retain muscle mass, and decrease caloric intake to maintain negative energy balance. And/or do cardio.
(abarlament @ Mar. 23 2007,12:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Who cares about burning calories from weights.  Use weights to retain muscle mass, and decrease caloric intake to maintain negative energy balance.  And/or do cardio.</div>
this was my initial reaction as well.
if you were bulking it would be a different story completely but with cutting just make sure your going heavy enough/often enough to preserve muscle and look to keep the cals in check thru diet/cardio.

good luck