I need this clear up please!!! HST Newbie here


New Member
Hi HST community,

I'm new to HST and can not wait to start my routine tomorrow.

I have one question that i would LOVE to be cleared up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless I have misunderstood ....am I right in saying that if I can do MAX 135lbs for 10 reps, I actually have to go back to 110lbs to start my HST 8 week program!!!??? ...I just DON'T GET IT!!!!

So for example: start on 110lbs and progress 5lbs so on the last day (the 6th) i am on 135lbs.

If I know I can do 13lbs for 10 reps then shouldn't I start with 135lbs? because if not then how do you see progressive gains by doing a weight like 110lbs that would be classed as easy for me???

You need to either be untrained or strategic decondition for 9-14 days prior to starting a cycle. Therefore results can be achieved using sub-maximal weights and progressing to 15, 10, & 5 rep maxes. Check out the simplify and win thread.
It could be less weight at the begining of the 8 weeks.

If you are doing the standard set up of 15 reps for 2 weeks, then 10 reps for 2 weeks, then 5 reps for 2 weeks, then either negatives or 5 max's for 2 weeks, you
will need to know your 15, 10 and 5 rep maxes for each lift.

Here's a calculator to estimate your rep maxes.


Using your example.

S.D. 9-14 days.

15's: Two Weeks.
Workout 1: 85 lb
Workout 2: 90 lb
Workout 3: 95 lb
Workout 4: 100 lb
Workout 5: 105 lb
Workout 6: 110 lb

10's: Two Weeks.
Workout 1: 110 lb
Workout 2: 115 lb
Workout 3: 120 lb
Workout 4: 125 lb
Workout 5: 130 lb
Workout 6: 135 lb

5's: Two Weeks.
Workout 1: 135 lb
Workout 2: 140 lb
Workout 3: 145 lb
Workout 4: 150 lb
Workout 5: 155 lb
Workout 6: 160 lb

Post 5's: Two Weeks.
Continuing with 5RM's or trying to increase your 5RM or negatives.
Remember you can also zig-zag between the mini-cycles (start your 10s on lower weights than you finished your 15s), I found I had to to complete the full sets even with more rests.
But if you have lower weights on your 15 RM like 25/30/40's for example from your 15 to your 10RM and you increment the weights by 5lbs you end up repeating again for each cycle. Does that matter? If not why not when Bryan clearly shows the larger increment like 10lb the better.
I'm not saying you'd drop back down to the same starting weight, but say for your 15s you were using 20/25/30 for your final week and then for your first week of 10s you might end up 25/30/35 or even start with 20/25/30.

Don't forget with your 10s that you'll be doing 2 sets, so even if you start with the same weights as you finished 15s, you will have increased your overall work (20 reps, not 15).

I'd imaging this will ultimately only happen during the beginning of your training, as you build hypertrophy and strength then you should be able to continue lifting without zig-zagging.