I think I "get it" now! (plus an idea)


New Member

It's microtrauma that triggers muscle repair and hypertrophy, NOT lifting to failure!

Yeah, I know, basic principle of HST, but it finally "sunk in".

Does this mean that the microtrauma caused by lifting a given weight 15 reps straight would be the same as lifting it for 3 sets of 5?

Lifting it 15 reps straight would train endurance more, and maybe have more of an effect on CNS, but the microtrauma should be about the same, right?

So...here's an idea.

Forget rep ranges. Set a rep target (say, 15) and cluster. Start with a weight that's about 50% of your 5RM (or 70% of your 15RM, which should be about the same.) Each workout, raise the weight so that you will target your 5RM at the end of the 6th week. BUT - do as many of the 15 reps as possible (in good form) before taking a break, then do some more until you hit the target number of reps.

Add whatever warmup you find appropriate as the weight increases.

The nice thing about this is, for any given workout, you will know what your max is for some rep range, whether it's 11, or 7, or however many reps you completed before taking a break.

What do you think?
its been done
(faz @ Oct. 04 2006,11:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
its been done</div>
I see. Yes, a search on cluster found that. Oops.

Unfortunately, I didn't find any posts saying how well it worked.
The only issue I have (and it's not much of an issue) with your idea is that by pushing to get as many reps as poss during the first set you are always working your CNS pretty hard. That is why the rep ranges work well. You might use the same weight (or less if zig-zagging) on the first w/o or two after an RM w/o but the reps drop so there will be less drain on the CNS. This facilitates full recovery before you reach your next RM w/o.

Like I said, not much of an issue, but something to bear in mind if you start to feel a bit burnt out during the heavy part of the cycle.
Dude you should read about Max-stim, where you only do 1 rep, then rack the weight completely, before doing another rep, for 20 reps. Specifically designed to expose you to maximum time under load (causing micro-trauma) without fatiguing the CNS. I think you'd like it considering the thinking track you're on now.
Works well with 5's yes...not with 15's and 10's the effect would be minimal due to the lack lustre load!

Max-stims is it, if you really want to achive enourmous TUT's with little fatigue!