i think i got the HST concept down....


New Member
ok so i had to play with numbers alot since all lifting will be at my house and some weights i cant make.
all dumbell lift weights are per dumbell. all lifts invovling machines with increase in 3 pounds are actually 2.5LBs increases whereas dumbell increases are actaully 3 or 5 pound increases

this is of course for upper body only, i will be adding leg press, leg extension, weighted situps, deadliift, and calf rasies but i wanted some opinons first

for the heavier lifts ill be going by 10 pounds increments like i did with my 5RM bench where as for lighter lifts ill be repeating weights sometimes like i did for shoulder press and forearm curl

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Some observations:

If you use %ages and then round up to the nearest weight you can actually put on the bar, it makes it easier to figure out your loads. Personally, I don't like the online calculator thingy. It makes it too easy to start with loads that are too light, especially for unilateral movements.

For bench is your 5RM really only 10lb heavier than your 10RM? My prediction would be for a 5RM closer to 175lb. Anyway, here's what I would do for the 5s week for bench:

5s: 125, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165
The 10s and 5s as is.

EZ-bar Curl:
15s: Start at 55

DB Press:
15s: 18, 18, 18, 23, 23, 23 (if you can load that on the db)
10s: 23, 23, 23, 28, 28, 28
5s: 28, 28, 28, 33, 33, 33

Yes, you will be using your RM loads for much of the time so you may need to cluster reps for subsequent sets. I still think it's better to do this than to use lighter loads. You'll get stronger soon enough. :)

For Tri Pull-downs, this might work better:
15s: 35, 35, 40, 40, 45, 45 (this seems a bit light compared with your 10RM of 65lb?)
10s: 50, 50, 55, 55, 60, 65
5s: 55, 60, 65, 65, 70, 75

Db F-arm Curl:
15s: Start at 25
10s: Start at 30
5s: Fine as is, if you can actually get those loads on your db. :)

Hope you can get an idea from these suggestions. Once you've done a few cycles you'll know how you feel after SD. Everyone is a bit different and it'll depend on how long you SD for. I like to ease back in; so if the first workout is a little bit light, I'm ok with that (but I am old!).


One other thing:
Exercises like forearm curls are pretty much redundant if you do exercises that heavily involve forearms and grip strength; this would include many pulling movements, such as deads, shrugs, chins, pull-ups; even heavy bb curls are great forearm blasters. Learn to grip the bar really tightly for other 'push' exercises, eg. bench too. It'll often help you to lift more because of improved muscle fibre activation due to improved nerve signalling. At the very least it will improve your stability and form.
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thanks for all the helpful info
my numbers are way off as im on a low carb diet, i was sick, and ive been overtraining :/
just trying to get some close numbers because the perfect time for me to go through SD is coming up

but im going to go through all the lifts and RMs again because some of them are alot lower then they should be
2 other questions...is doing leg extensions benifiting my lower body since im already doing legpress? and since this is full body do most people go through all the lifts once, then repeat OR do both reps per body part and then move on to the next?

thanks again