I think I hurt a pec muscle

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In my routine, I do weighted dips and weighted push ups. There was no problem with them last night, but when I got to dead lifts, I started getting pain in my right pec. Now (the next day) it has some pain, but does not feel like DOMS. What should I do?
If you feel it is not DOMS, then it is not, perhaps a slight strain....... I would abort the whole cycle and make sure I am all all right by deconditioning for 2 weeks...... I know it is tough and you must feel a kind of wasting your precious time but it is better to bite the bullet and recover fully
I'm in my second week of 10's. This really bums me out!!! How long should I expect a muscle pull to take to heal? Would 9 days of SD be enough? 12? Two weeks or more? I ask because of a vacation that will be starting in June. I will probably have to take timw off to heal, then do some other workout for a few weeks, find my RM's and SD again during vacation. Then HST after that.

When I do heal, and I have say, 4 weeks or so to work out again, should I do the same HST routine, and just go a week of 15's, a week of 10's, then 5's and negs?

For the pulled muscle, how should I treat it? Ice, heat, massage, ibuprofen? Or just rest it?

Diet during SD... I've been eating tons of food for the past three and a half weeks. I should at least cut back to maintenace, right? How about taking advantage of the break and cutting calories?
OK, I may be over-reacting. I just spoke with the sports medicine teacher here at work. I described the pain and did some movements. I can do a regular pushup without pain. She doubts very highly that I have pulled the peck. It may be the pectoralis minor (sp?). Or it may be a strain of the tissue between the ribs.

I think my first course of action will be to attempt my next workout tonight, but stop at the first sign of pain. If I can work pain free, or with minor discomfort, I'll keep at it, and just be cautious, ready to stop when I need to.
I would just take it easy with a light workout or two and see if you experience any pain. Throroughly warmup and see how it goes. I am always tweaking something and luckily a couple days of rest and light work usually do the trick.

I did something to my pectoralis minor last cycle. I think it did it by not warming up properly for deads. It was a real deep niggling pain for the rest of the cycle (which I completed). It didn't stop me from doing most of my exercises but I went easy on anything that seemed to aggravate it. I made sure I warmed up really thoroughly too.

Now, after SD and 15s it is history so I hope yours will clear up just as quickly.

Depending on how much discomfort you are in, it might be possible to complete your cycle while avoiding going heavy on any exercise that seems to aggravate the problem. Just go light on those lifts.
I worked out last night without issue. The only time I had any pain was with shrugs (my last exercise). I think it must be the pec. minor. It's consistant with what my coworker described and with Lol's description too.

I'm pretty relieved. It looks like I can continue through my cycle. Warming up and stretching will be given extra attention, and I will look out for signs of pain throughout my workouts.
