idiot screwed up his right shoulder - yet still able to workout - question..


New Member
About a month ago I was an idiot and got sloppy unloading the bar from the bench and I think I was too far up on the bench and my shoulders weren't pulled back as they should and I really hurt my shoulder. No clue what I actually did but it doesn't seem to be healing so well. The stretch that hurts it the most is if i reach my right hand across my body and then take my other hand and push on my right elbow (towards my left) so that it causes more stretch. The pain is sort of deep in the shoulder not sure what actually part I damaged.

However that being said, I was just able to complete 3 weeks of doing 10s. I was afraid to jump to 5's right away and had previously hurt it on the first week of 5s so I took a week off and then started 10s. If I stretch it out some before working out I can tell it's still sore but if I tense up on my lifts and make sure my form is correct, it doesn't bother me too much during the actual lifts.

It's still pretty sore though every morning after sleeping on my side.

Should I try resting it more and maybe just stick to squats and dead lifts and stay off the bench and OHP? Or maybe I would be ok doing 15s (maybe use dumb bells instead of straight bar?) I'd like it to heal up so I'm guessing me working out with it is probably making it worse, but I'm no doctor so possibly the work outs are actually beneficial?

Any suggestions much appreciated.
Just leave it alone. Does doing squats hurt your shoulder at all? You can put a considerable stretch on your shoulder to hold the bar when squatting. I would avoid anything involving the shoulder, don't try to rehab it at this point, give it some time to heal first. Consider seeing a doctor if the pain worsens or does not go away.
ok thanks. Yea I'll lay off anything with the shoulders. The stretch from the squats doesn't seem to feel bad but I might skip that. (I think I'll just run for a while and lose some of the fat I definitely gained:)

Probably what didn't help thing is my shoulder flexibility is probably the poorest as they come. For example the position in an overhead squat is impossible for me since I can't track my arms behind my head like that (lying flat on my back and hands overhead, my hands or elbows don't come close to being able to touch the ground.)
Well once your shoulder is fully healed, then you should work on increasing your shoulder mobility. But there may be some things you'll have to always avoid doing with your shoulders.