If its not one thing, its another


New Member
I understand that the human body will resist change whether it be fat loss or hypertrophy but I'm starting to believe mine is on full assault sabotage. Just about the time I rehabbed myself through a tennis elbow, I develop a shoulder impingement. Get that just about worked out and I get tendonitis in both knees.

With the tenonitis just about gone, I was feeling good looking forward to my workout this morning because it was the first day of the 10's mesocycle. I feel the most gains in this period.

Thinking about my upcoming workout standing in the kitchen, fixing fricken breakfast, when all of a sudden I get a sharp pain in my back (middle thoracic region)... The unmistakable feeling of a pulled muscle. I'm like WTF!!! :mad:

No amount of stretching or foam rolling would relieve the pain. It wasn't pretty but I went ahead with the workout anyhow because I figured first day of the cycle, light weights, yada yada yada. End effect is overhead presses were grueling and I completely wimped out on squats. The warm up was bad enough.

There is actually a question leading to all of this... What would you guys do? Charge forward like I did or take whatever time off that is necessary for the pull heal?
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I understand that the human body will resist change whether it be fat loss or hypertrophy but I'm starting to believe mine is on full assault sabotage. Just about the time I rehabbed myself through a tennis elbow, I develop a shoulder impingement. Get that just about worked out and I get tendonitis in both knees.

With the tenonitis just about gone, I was feeling good looking forward to my workout this morning because it was the first day of the 10's mesocycle. I feel the most gains in this period.

Thinking about my upcoming workout standing in the kitchen, fixing fricken breakfast, when all of a sudden I get a sharp pain in my back (middle thoracic region)... The unmistakable feeling of a pulled muscle. I'm like WTF!!! :mad:

No amount of stretching or foam rolling would relieve the pain. It wasn't pretty but I went ahead with the workout anyhow because I figured first day of the cycle, light weights, yada yada yada. End effect is overhead presses were grueling and I completely wimped out on squats. The warm up was bad enough.

There is actually a question leading to all of this... What would you guys do? Charge forward like I did or take whatever time off that is necessary for the pull heal?

I would have it looked at before doing any more training. And if the professionals say to lay off the weights, I would take time off. It will get worse if you aggravate an injury and the recovery period will be much worse and much longer. I've had to take breaks for elbow tendonosis (golfers elbow) and iliotibial band syndrome (outside part of knee), so I know it sucks. If there are exercises you can do that won't aggravate the injury, do those and be patient.

If you workout at a gym, there may be some isolation stuff you can do in the meantime. And you can do some water walking. Take care of it now, it won't get better without ample rest and time to heal.
Yup, better go to the vet. If you've got a pulled muscle, or some other problem in your back, it's wise to see a professional.

Keep in mind, however, that while doctors know about medicine, many of them don't know about weight lifting. You need to consider advice about the iron carefully. I once had a doctor ask me, "How much weight do you need to lift at your age, anyway?" I stifled the desire to respond, "I don't know. How much is there...?"
Thanks for the input. Seems this latest 'issue' isn't nearly a bad as originally presented. I did skip the next training secession (yesterday) and woke up this am felling pretty good with just a very mild pain in my back and decided to try training. After a very long warm up and testing the water, so to speak, I went ahead with my normal routine with no ill effects. Did however wear a belt for squats.

i think it was the pissing and moaning about it on an open forum that helped. :D