Im new & need hst help!!


New Member
hey guys,im very excited to be A PART OF THIS. im just kind of lost. i tried my first workout todAY of 15' a few questions. am i going to failure each set? how many sets??? is it done in a circuit trAINING fashion or we going for as heavy as you can go for or 10 or 5 or what. theres so many gray areas it seems and i dl ike some hst expert "must haves" if you could so i can plan out my weights etc...thanks guys.
hey guys,im very excited to be A PART OF THIS. im just kind of lost. i tried my first workout todAY of 15' a few questions. am i going to failure each set? how many sets??? is it done in a circuit trAINING fashion or we going for as heavy as you can go for or 10 or 5 or what. theres so many gray areas it seems and i dl ike some hst expert "must haves" if you could so i can plan out my weights etc...thanks guys.

Hey mate, just some words of advise, dont start training till you have read through and understood the fundementals and what you are doing so that way you dont just jump straight into to it and stray off course..... But yes the first thing you will need to do is work out the exercises you will be doing and post them in this thread for us to look at, i will be signing in and out through out the day so post them up and ill take a look or one of the other members might give you some advise first... But once you have established what exercises you will be doing you take a week to work out your 15, 10and 5 rep maxes...... Say like work out the 15's on a Monday, 10's on the Wednesday and 5's on a Friday. Once you have worked them out you take 9-14 days off. Before you start your first cycle..

But yea start going through the Forums and articles and read alot, than if there is anything you dont understand post up ur question on the forum and there will be someone to help u :)