I'm new to HST - looking for a routine and some advice


New Member
If this is, in fact, already on the forums, sorry >.<.

So I've been working out frequently (4-5 days a week) for the past three years and it seems that growth has been hard to come by lately, and it's time for a change. I came across HST and it gives me some newfound hope that I can break through this wall, so to speak.

Is there a pre-determined 3 day routine? I'm used to being in the gym so I'd like to be in there at least 3 days--I feel unproductive doing "nothing" the rest of the week.

If so, how do I get started? From what I've read, establishing what my maxes are should be the first thing I do, correct? What's the best way to go about doing so?

I know I have a bunch of questions, but I hope ya'll can help me out :) HST seems great.
I'd start with figuring your 15RM's (Monday). Since you've been lifting for a while, you should be able to quickly determine the correct weight in a few sets. Then in two days (Wed.), do the same for the 10RM and another two days (Fri.), the 5RM. SD for 9-14 days. You'll be surprised how much effort you'll need for the 2 weeks of 15's. I thoroughly enjoyed my first cycle and am at the start of my second.
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Read the HST article, it has a pre-made cookie cutter routine. Just figure out your maxes and get going with it.
thanks guys that was like exactly the answers i wanted, ya'll are awesome. any way i can like +1 you guys? I can't wait to get on this next week.