I'm on my 3rd week of 5's and really burned out


New Member
I am just extending the 5's, not doing negatives. But I am really burned out/tired.

Should I just start my SD and try to do the 4 weeks of 5's next cycle?

How many sets are you doing?

Try dropping one. You might have overdone it with too much exercses or too much volume.
try cutting back to doing 2 sets of 5's for your last week...if you still feel burnt out...go to the SD

I've done cycles before and felt whipped after just two weeks of 5's. I tend to try and listen to my body as much as possible. When it's really ready for a break it will tell you.

and after that SD...you'll be ready to be back for more.

Also...for the last week...you may want to also cut back to the basic core compounds. Less exercises may make it a lot more bearable.
(Fausto @ Sep. 17 2007,04:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How many sets are you doing?

Try dropping one. You might have overdone it with too much exercses or too much volume.</div>
I am still doing 3 sets.

I have cut out all isolations already (did when I started this last week).
(Totentanz @ Sep. 17 2007,06:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Man up.</div>
Yea thats what I figured.
Seriously though, if you are getting burned out then it is probably time for a break before you get injured/sick/whatever.
(Totentanz @ Sep. 17 2007,08:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Seriously though, if you are getting burned out then it is probably time for a break before you get injured/sick/whatever.</div>
Yea I know. I listen to my body way before what someone else thinks that I should do.

I knew you were kidding.

I was actually just waiting for that response from someone.
Consider SD, sure. Also, take two days rest, then do your last 15s workout again, then 10s rm workout, and try pickking up where you left off with the 5s. I've done that in two cycles now, and it has really helped.
YEAH Dvst8or i'm actually feeling pretty like unmotivated and my energy levels have been absolutely terrible lately... plus i'm getting sick often... LOL (i'm on my 2nd week of POST-5s)
is that what getting 'burned out' is? i'd love it if someone could explain what being burned out is haha but then again my case might be related to other issues, i'm not quite sure, but just generally i'm feeling low energy levels and unmotivated to work out... and totz don't just say 'man up to me' HAHAHA it's definitely more than that lol

and yet i'm still thinking of increasing my volume (but reducing exercises), i must be MAAAAAAD!

thanks fellas ;)

Some tidbits I picked up while looking for a scientific answer for you:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SD is simply a method that allows (not “tricks”) your muscles to continue to grow, using weights that your muscles have seen before.

The method is simple, the science is complicated, the results are significant.

P.S. If you are afraid of using baby weights, check your ego at the door, or use the heaviest weights you can lift from day one an be satisfied with your results, in other words, stop looking for anything better.</div>


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have never claimed that a period of Strategic Deconditioning lasting 7-12 days would completely revert your muscles to an &quot;untrained&quot; state. I have spoken frequently of the rapid training effect or repeated bout effect.

Some protection seems to last for a very long time. Still, 7-12 days of complete rest does appear to cause some reversal of the adaptations to training. And from the application, it appears it is sufficient to allow one to start growing again, once gains have stopped with a given weight.

Hopefully through the forum and other articles and interviews people have come to learn that SD is more than just a break from training.

Someone who has trained for an extended period of time using 5s/negs at loads of 85%+ of 1RM would often require upwards of 2 weeks SD to ensure sufficient reversal.

More advanced athletes have successfully extended the HST cycle with 5s and negatives with the addition of drop sets (refer to the drop set thread), but if this is your first time doing HST I suggest you do the regular 6-8 week cycle as outlined on this website.</div>

and to answer you on your state of energy, mind and body:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">HST builds strength sure enough, however, the actual manifestation of that strength depends on the recovery of the CNS (and other neuromuscular factors) from workout to workout. Sometimes a person will gain a little ground on their CNS recovery and their strength output will go up. Those who zigzag are more likely to experience significant &quot;strength&quot; gains mid cycle.

The size gains are dependant on what's happening to the tissue. This of course is dependant on the absolute load as well as the relative condition of the tissue at the time.

So, should you increase, maintain or decrease &quot;volume&quot; as the cycle progresses? It depends! I know how many people hate to hear that...but its true. Here is how you decide. Keep in mind that these factors are to considered “collectively”, meaning each factor must be weighted, not taken as an absolute indicator.

Increase volume if:
You are never sore
You are never tired
You are not growing

Maintain volume if:
You are slightly sore most of the time
You are tired enough to sleep well, but not so tired you lose motivation to train.
You are noticeably “fuller”

Decrease volume if:
You are experiencing over use pain, and strain symptoms in joints and/or muscles.
You are tired and irritable all the time, yet don’t sleep well.
Strength levels are significantly decreasing.</div>

Failing this, you are about ready to SD and start again...considering your nutrition is in check as this could be another reason for your lack of motivation.
I sometimes feel burned out, but only during weeks 2 and 4...weeks 5-8 are cake by comparison, IMO. Usually I don't even have to rest for 120 secs; I'm ready to go after 30 secs but usually force myself to wait until 60 secs. I'm doing 2 sets per exercise, including isos.

Am I doing something wrong?
(_Simon_ @ Sep. 20 2007,22:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">YEAH Dvst8or i'm actually feeling pretty like unmotivated and my energy levels have been absolutely terrible lately... plus i'm getting sick often... LOL (i'm on my 2nd week of POST-5s)
is that what getting 'burned out' is? i'd love it if someone could explain what being burned out is haha but then again my case might be related to other issues, i'm not quite sure, but just generally i'm feeling low energy levels and unmotivated to work out... and totz don't just say 'man up to me' HAHAHA it's definitely more than that lol

and yet i'm still thinking of increasing my volume (but reducing exercises), i must be MAAAAAAD!

thanks fellas ;)</div>
Stop being a pansy.

I would not consider increasing volume. You are dealing with heavy weights now. If anything, you should reduce volume, even cut down some of the unnecessary exercises or switch to doing the extra stuff in a higher rep range and keep the big lifts down in the 3 rep range. I'd recommend taking a week and building up to a heavy single on a couple lifts, that is always real fun especially with deadlifts.
You might consider reducing frequency as well. Drop out a day, go to twice a week. Or even break up your workout into a split, and do the split twice a week, something like that. I like to use the last couple weeks of a cycle as a free pass to experiment with other things like that.
hehe cheers fausto, good stuff but yeah like i said it's really hard to tell whether the motivational/energy issues have to do with my training or outside factors, ah well i'll see what happens, i'm on my SD atm so yep good good.

and yeah thanks totz as well that stuff u wrote is pretty helpful... but ya didn't have to write that at the start considering u have no idea what's happenin in my life atm so yep lol

tis all good i still love ya man ;)
Rather than create a new topic, I hope that someone can help me here. Similar question regarding fatigue during 5s.

I'm on my first HST cycle and did fine with one set each of 15s and 10s the first four weeks. I'm currently two days down on my 5s (two sets) and feel very weak.

I read that reps should be done at full speed, and when the speed drops I should stop the set. Thus, I created my max weights per rep range based off this principle.

The maxes were easy to establish with 15s and 10s, but it's quite different for 5s. When I do 5s, every rep is pretty hard and relatively slow. And yes, reps 4 and 5 are certainly more strenuous and (a bit) slower than the first three.

Thus, my question: Am I loading too much weight on my 5s? Should I back off the weight until I can do 5 reps at full speed before incurring a speed decline?

I suspect this would drastically reduce my poundages.


I'm currently doing an A/B routine 3 nights per week.

Front Squat
Incline DB BP
Trap Bar Row
BB Shoulder Press
Tricep Dip
TB Shrug
BB Curl

Hip Belt Squat
Chest Dip
DB Shoulder Press
StepUp DB
Closegrip BP
Trap Bar Shrug
Incline DB Curl
(sh4mike @ Sep. 29 2007,12:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thus, my question: Am I loading too much weight on my 5s? Should I back off the weight until I can do 5 reps at full speed before incurring a speed decline?</div>
Once you get into your 5's week, you may want to drop some of your iso's. Otherwise you'll wear yourself out too quickly.
hmmm nah i'm not too sure why many people are concerned only with rep speed, if u can get 5 reps continuous with a weight, do NOT lower the weight in order to get a faster speed, that's my opinion on that ay! i honestly don't see the point in lowering the weight for that purpose ay, because when the weights get that heavy, it's very difficult to have a maximal speed, keep it up bro and ask any more questions if ya stuck on anythin!