Improving my workout

Ryan che

New Member
I'm just about to finish to my first 6 week cycle using HST. I have spent about a week looking through posts on this website getting a feel for things. I would just like any comments or feedback about what i've been doing.
The workout i've been using is.

Barbell row
Bench (flat)
Skull crusher
Bicep curl (barbel)
Ab crunch

1x15, 2x10, 3x5

I guess i just want to know if i have chosen the best exercises, and if it would be better to use an A/B style workout. Was thinking of getting rid of the iso's and replacing them with compounds but i'm a bit reluctant.
Appreciate any help guys.
Thanks for quick feedback guys, have decided on doing a split routine. Something like this.

A/ B
Squats/ Deadlift
Dips/ Dips
Bench/ Bench
Rows/ Chins
Military press/ Military press
Ab crunch/ Ab crunch

And maybe some arm iso's on the end depending on how much time i've got. Have i got everything covered here?
Thanks for quick feedback guys, have decided on doing a split routine. Something like this.

A/ B
Squats/ Deadlift
Dips/ Dips
Bench/ Bench
Rows/ Chins
Military press/ Military press
Ab crunch/ Ab crunch

And maybe some arm iso's on the end depending on how much time i've got. Have i got everything covered here?

you only have two exercises that are different,i would do it this way,
A/ B
Squats/ Deadlift
Dips/ bench
bent-over-Rows/ cable-rows
Military press/ db-press
chins/pull-ups,or pulldowns
Ab crunch/ Ab crunch