In search of forgotten lifts


New Member
Lately my training has shifted from training for hypertrophy to more of a functional interest concerned with coordination and balance.

I've already integrated lifts like snatch and high pull into my routine, along with the regular compound lifts.

Just recently I found out about the bent press, which makes me wonder if there are more complex lifts that simply have been forgotten.

Another thing I thought about was to incorporate Crossfit-methods like 400-meter sprints before lifting, so as to make a "simple" exercise like the deadlift more challenging i.e. harder to focus on.
If you're interested in co-ordination db exercises such as one legged squats, one armed clean and press, deadlift twists (where as you pick it up and put it down you twist through 90 degrees, mostly a core exercise) and 1 arm chest press might be of interest. Also 1 arm chins.

There's a lot of information on functional exercises for different aims on

You might like to try some gymnastic type moves such as planches and front levers and building up to an iron cross too.


Yeah,, I think I've been there, it's great. This is probably what I'm aiming for.

You're right, maybe I should just include more unilateral stuff. It's difficult as it is, whithout the need to pre-exhaust myself with sprints or such.

And that deadlift twist - never heard of it. Will check it out, thanks.
Ross appears to be a very well conditioned athlete. I may look into some of his training in the future.
Clean and pressing kegs? Reverse keg stand!! Where do I sign up?
Heheh welcome to the world of Personal Training, where you have to come up with new, interesting exercises just for for the sake of them being new and interesting. Mr. and Ms. Joe Public get bored very easily.

It still amazes me that powerlifters and olympic lifters can do the same exercises, week after week, year after year, and never get bored.

Make sure the exercises you choose are truly functional, and not just funky.
Thanks for that link Rob. Great site. I've just bought some heavy Oly bar dumbells and now I have a few fum things to try with them.