Increase frequency or volume ?


New Member

I know the easy and straightforward thing would be to just follow the HST program but I feel a bit frustrated by staying only 40min at the gym (I do 8 exercices of 2 sets each time with little rest most of the time because it's easy when it's 75-90% of nRM). I was wondering if :

a) I can do more sets. For example, adding a third set with the rule of stoping 2-3 rep before failure so I don't have any CNS problem.

b) Train every day

I wonder if the program has been set this way because it will be easy for most people (but maybe not optimal) and so, if we just want to maximize gain maybe it's best to increase volume and frequency while keeping the principle by avoiding failure.

Thank you !
I wonder if the program has been set this way because it will be easy for most people

That's exactly why it was set that way; as a cookie cutter sample of an implementation of HST that pretty much anyone could understand and follow.

(but maybe not optimal) and so, if we just want to maximize gain maybe it's best to increase volume and frequency while keeping the principle by avoiding failure.

Thank you !

Unless you're going to croak in the next few months and are looking to squeeze in one last phenomenal workout cycle, why not try both and see which gives the best relative perceived result? Try and hold everything else as constant as possible but still progress the weights, do one cycle with increased frequency and follow it up after SD with another with increased volume. Take measurements as best you can with a tape measure and calipers for before and after body composition and see which one results in the most positive change. Hell, do it more than once to get a better baseline.