increase volume?


New Member
My plan right now is 2 sets of 15 reps for 1 week, 1 set of 15 reps for 1 week, 2 sets of 10 reps for 1 week, 1 set of 10 reps for 1 week, 2 sets of 5 reps for 1 week, 1 set of 5 reps for 1 week, then 1 set at 5 rep max for 1-2 weeks.

I get sore right at the beginning of this cycle (1st week), but then never get sore again until I decondition. I think this means I should adjust my volume. How should I change it? Less in the beginning, more in the end, double everything, etc? What do you guys think?

Why are you changing the number of sets, while doing the same reps??

I don't see the point in doing 2 sets of 10 reps and then the next week, doing 1 set of 10 reps. Unless your load has doubled, you are cutting your total work output in half, and this is not good for hypertrophy.

Modern research shows that progressive total work output is almost as important as progressive load for hypertrophy. Which is why most HSTers recommend doing 1 set during the 15s (15 total reps), 2 sets during the 10s (20 total reps), and 3-4 sets during the 5s (15-20 total reps). This way work output is progressing along with Load, since work=load x reps, and reps are fairly constant in the above routine. In your routine, every other week the workload drops significantly.
Many, many possibilities and just as many opinions. A lot will depend on the number of different exercises per bodypart you are doing, age, condition, training age, T levels, etc.

As a generalization, my choice would be to add 1 drop set of 8 to 10 reps in the second week of 10's and 2 drop sets of 5 reps during all but the first week of 5's.

BTW, you don't have to feel soreness to grow. DOMS is more of an indicator that no RBE has set in yet.
(scientific muscle @ Oct. 16 2006,20:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why are you changing the number of sets, while doing the same reps??

I don't see the point in doing 2 sets of 10 reps and then the next week, doing 1 set of 10 reps. Unless your load has doubled, you are cutting your total work output in half, and this is not good for hypertrophy.

Modern research shows that progressive total work output is almost as important as progressive load for hypertrophy. Which is why most HSTers recommend doing 1 set during the 15s (15 total reps), 2 sets during the 10s (20 total reps), and 3-4 sets during the 5s (15-20 total reps). This way work output is progressing along with Load, since work=load x reps, and reps are fairly constant in the above routine. In your routine, every other week the workload drops significantly.</div>
I got that basic idea from the FAQ on number of sets. It says that the volume will decline as the weights get bigger.

I see your argument and it makes sense. I think I'll try to keep the number of total reps fairly constant throughout my next cycle.

From what I've read on this site, however, it seems that only 1-2 sets are needed. Is the 3-4 sets of 5s more than are needed? Would 1 set of 15s, 1 set of 10s, and 2 sets of 5s be better?
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 16 2006,20:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BTW, you don't have to feel soreness to grow. DOMS is more of an indicator that no RBE has set in yet.</div>
I haven't grown in a long time either. (1+ years)
(CNoyes @ Oct. 17 2006,19:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Oct. 16 2006,20:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why are you changing the number of sets, while doing the same reps??

I don't see the point in doing 2 sets of 10 reps and then the next week, doing 1 set of 10 reps.  Unless your load has doubled, you are cutting your total work output in half, and this is not good for hypertrophy.

Modern research shows that progressive total work output is almost as important as progressive load for hypertrophy.  Which is why most HSTers recommend doing 1 set during the 15s (15 total reps), 2 sets during the 10s (20 total reps), and 3-4 sets during the 5s (15-20 total reps).  This way work output is progressing along with Load, since work=load x reps, and reps are fairly constant in the above routine.  In your routine, every other week the workload drops significantly.</div>
I got that basic idea from the FAQ on number of sets. It says that the volume will decline as the weights get bigger.

I see your argument and it makes sense. I think I'll try to keep the number of total reps fairly constant throughout my next cycle.

From what I've read on this site, however, it seems that only 1-2 sets are needed. Is the 3-4 sets of 5s more than are needed? Would 1 set of 15s, 1 set of 10s, and 2 sets of 5s be better?</div>
That sounds fine, try it out for awhile. If you get no results, and the volume feels too easy for you, you can always add sets later on. I think it is better to start out with low volume and work up from there, rather than try to do too much, too early.
I think the Faq rather points that this (reducing the volume) is done when on the heavy fives, and that would be definitely on the second week when things are heavy, yep then it makes sense.

And that is applicable mostly when you are feeling the &quot;pinch&quot; of the heavies anyway, when joints are &quot;moaning&quot;, or tiredness sets in, or sleeplessness, then it should be done, goodness some of us are trying out 5 x 6 sets to see whether growth is better then.

You'll be doing your growth arm by reducing volume, as Sci Muscle puts it, it is essential.
(CNoyes @ Oct. 17 2006,19:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 16 2006,20:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BTW, you don't have to feel soreness to grow. DOMS is more of an indicator that no RBE has set in yet.</div>
I haven't grown in a long time either. (1+ years)</div>
Aha. Obviously something is wrong. It's more likely to be your diet, testosterone or stress levels than exercise program. When all four of these line up, you HAVE to grow.
Do as much volume that you can handle.

I use to severly overtrain in the volume dept.

The hst got me back on board and under control..however if I am not careful I sometime dont do enough volume for my body.

I cant grow off 2 sets of 10 reps...but if you can that even better.
So I changed my cycle, and am currently doing 1 set for 15s, 2 for 10s, and I haven't gotten sore at all, so I upped it to 5 sets on the 5s.

Thinking forward to my next cycle, to up the volume I could go to 2 for 15s, 3 for 10s, and 6 for 5s. But this seems contrary to the articles, which say that only 1 or 2 sets is useful for HST, and the rest are just burning calories. Those numbers seem a little much. What do you guys think?
I have tried the 6 x 5 approach, you'd better make sure you eat like a horse, it may work, didn't for me, had to drop to 5 x 5.

Try it though and see!