Increase Weight, or Sets?

The Long Run

New Member
I'm in my 5s again and wondering when this weight gets light (its already starting to get there) should I go up the extra 5-10 lbs I'll be able to lift or should I just go up in sets? Right now I'm doing 3 sets for the 5s. I've read on here people doing up to 5 sets of 5s.

Which will give me more volume?
if the weight is getting easier to push then add the 5-10lbs you mentioned.

personally, if i were getting stronger and stronger, id keep increasing the weight, but as i began to platue id start increasing the volume.get as much as you can out of low volume, until you feel its necessary to increase volume.

while ever you are increasing the weight of your lifts the chances are you will be growing too.
(The Long Run @ Mar. 27 2008,09:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm in my 5s again and wondering when this weight gets light (its already starting to get there) should I go up the extra 5-10 lbs I'll be able to lift or should I just go up in sets? Right now I'm doing 3 sets for the 5s. I've read on here people doing up to 5 sets of 5s.

Which will give me more volume?</div>
Progressive load is a fundamental principle of HST.
I'd keep increasing the weight and then as your strength gains plateau, drop the volume down to 3x3 and try to increase the weight again. Usually dropping down like that will allow you to continue to progress the loads you are using.
Yup, more weight is more good.

We decrease the reps only so that we can increase the load. Chronic progressive load is one of the keys to hypertrophy.
Added volume typically will not help if you are &quot;natural&quot;.

Added weight when it feels light always helps.
I see. Thanks for the responses. I'll just increase the load then. And yes I'm &quot;natural&quot; but the ironic thing is after my last cycle and during this current one I've been accused more than once of being on the juice. I can see why they'd be thinking that too. Many people go into the gym 4-6 days a week pummeling one bodypart at a time never gaining even a 1/4&quot; in muscle until months or years down the road. I can a good inch on everything during every cycle! haha
(The Long Run @ Mar. 28 2008,01:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I see. Thanks for the responses. I'll just increase the load then. And yes I'm &quot;natural&quot; but the ironic thing is after my last cycle and during this current one I've been accused more than once of being on the juice. I can see why they'd be thinking that too. Many people go into the gym 4-6 days a week pummeling one bodypart at a time never gaining even a 1/4&quot; in muscle until months or years down the road. I can a good inch on everything during every cycle! haha</div>
Cool for you.

It really puzzles me why these guys go to the gym almost everyday when they see guys like you going in only a few times a week and making better gains. Really, why does anyone follow those dumb once a week routines anymore? It doesn't make sense.
Most of them do those routines really dumb too. They get rid of progression, because that gets in the way of volume. Then they use lighter weights so that they can get more volume. It's absurd. I see a lot of these guys around posting their routines and they don't seem to do much less than 12 reps on everything...

Anyway, you aren't natural unless you workout using boulders instead of weights, then you go run down an animal with only a sharpened stick in order to get your post workout protein.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 28 2008,11:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Anyway, you aren't natural unless you workout using boulders instead of weights, then you go run down an animal with only a sharpened stick in order to get your post workout protein.</div>
And you have to eat it raw.

Actually, I've heard that you will benefit more if you eat it while it's still alive - although you may have to knock it unconscious first.
Tear its heart out and eat it while it's still hot (of course, you should weigh it first to make sure you're getting enough grams of protein...).
(TunnelRat @ Mar. 28 2008,08:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tear its heart out and eat it while it's still hot (of course, you should weigh it first to make sure you're getting enough grams of protein...).
Oh yeah, of course. We all know the rule.

&quot;And if you kill anyone, make sure to eat their heart to gain their courage. Their rich, tasty courage.&quot;

In fact, I'd wager that if you were to do all this, you should be able to put on at least 20 pounds of lean body mass within a month or two. Although, I'm not sure if that is due to the heart eating, the chasing it down with sharpened stick or the fact that it is raw and still alive.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 28 2008,06:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cool for you.

It really puzzles me why these guys go to the gym almost everyday when they see guys like you going in only a few times a week and making better gains.  Really, why does anyone follow those dumb once a week routines anymore?  It doesn't make sense.
Most of them do those routines really dumb too.  They get rid of progression, because that gets in the way of volume.  Then they use lighter weights so that they can get more volume.  It's absurd.  I see a lot of these guys around posting their routines and they don't seem to do much less than 12 reps on everything...

Anyway, you aren't natural unless you workout using boulders instead of weights, then you go run down an animal with only a sharpened stick in order to get your post workout protein.</div>
Yea its fun while its lasting but I know it won't last forever. Its probably still &quot;newbie weight&quot; I'm gaining since this is only my 5th cycle.

With the information that's out there I don't know why they are still following that tired routine. I feel sorry for the ones doing it and not making any gains. It really is absurd.

I'm not chasing down animals but I've been trying to go more &quot;raw&quot; as far as fruits and veggies and its worked out ok for now. Getting an apple and banana in everyday is a good start, then building from there.

Live/raw foods (not meat though) do give a lot of energy and vitality it seems.
Off topic but still:

I do like the positive attitude of most of you guys. Most of the answers are good and show understanding of the items discussed.

I happen to read three different sites from home in Finland ( I live abroad so...) and both the power training and cycling sites are so full of garbage and as soon as somebody posts a &quot;stupid&quot; question the answers become painfully stupider instead of the post being ignored as it should.

So: thank you for all of you. Keep it positive and train harder;

My opinion to the question is to add weights.



AND AFTER A NIGHT´S SLEEP: I do not think this question to be stupid; meant generally. Itry to ignore the stupid ones.
(Jari @ Mar. 31 2008,11:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">as soon as somebody posts a &quot;stupid&quot; question the answers become painfully stupider instead of the post being ignored as it should.

My opinion to the question is to add weights.</div>
We still reserve the right to give stupid answers...

But yeah, add more weight.