Increasing the weights


New Member
So after putting a routine together and getting the advice from some of the great people here on the forum, I started to make my log and just put everything together. When I came upon a problem, what is the best weight increment for a split routine?

After coming to this problem I started to read the FAQ on this, and what I can gather from all of this is that it needs to be a weight that will both stimulate the muscle, allowing for the tearing of muscle fibers, but nothing that will over damaging the body. So with just 3 increments on a spilt routine, how should I organize the weights? My concern is that if I start too high it wont do me any good, but if I make too big of jumps between w/o then I could cause the wrong kind of damage.

Any advice?

Also With only 3 increments, is that enough, compared to 6 increments, to develop the progressive overload stated in HST?

Just want to make sure Im doing this right?
Well you could just pick a weight and use it twice per week for each routine. Then increase.

Not sure what your split is looking like but if you are only going to progress over 3 workouts and not 6 then just start at 80% of your max weight for that rep range.

For example during 10's say your max bench press is 100 pounds.

Then do 80 pounds first workout
85 next workout
90 next workout

I would do this up to the 5's and in the 5's I may would extend every third workout by a set.
routine, thus far:

Flat Bench
Bent rows
Lat pull downs
Military Press
Side Laterals
Close grip curls/Overhead press -arms are stubborn for me

Incline Press
Bent rows
Military Press
Side Laterals
Incline curls/ pushdows

So really only thing Im alternating is deads with squats, and flat with incline. And well some different arm ex.

So then I shouldnt do my former max for 10 or 15, but then do my former maxs for the 5s? If I dont do the max for 10 and 15 then how can I do it for 5s?

Or would it be best to do just the same routine? But If I do that then I would have to drop deads, and I only have an hour to workout which will be hard to do in the 5s.

Need Help.
I just add twice as much weight per increment when alternating, as I work in kgs that makes it easy as I add 5kg each week (just over 10lbs with 5lbs being about the usual recommendation if incrementing every session).

With deads I increment 10kgs.


As long as you increase poundage or work.

I don't think it really matters.

I'm still relatively new to this, so I'm not sure if what I did is 100% correct. I found out all my rms and filled in the sheet from the website and I used the "Sample Two-Week HST Block Using 10 reps." (the one from the HST Notes) to set up my routine.

for the 15's and 10's I'm doing:

Incline Press
Lat Pull Down (can't do many pullups, about 8)
Military Press
Cable Bicep Curls
Cable Tri Ext

Decline Press (Again, can't really do more than 8 dips)Row
Military Press
Cable Bicep Curls
Cable Tri Ext

The only thing I alternate is the Incline Press with Decline Press and the Lat pull downs with Rows. I took the weight from my chart that was for workouts 4, 5 and 6 and I use those weights because I'm only going to be doing the exercise 3 times per rep cycle. With the 5 rep cylce, I'm not going to do SLDL, but I'm going to do conventional deadlifts, which I'm going to alternate with squats.

I hope this helps.