Increments for REAR DELT??


New Member
Buddy and I took the past week to find our 15, 10, and 5RM's

We just found our 5RM yesterday, so SD begins and we'll start our first cycle with 15reps in 2 weeks (Mon Aug 1)

The only question I have right now is for rear delt our 15RM was 5lb db's. How the hell are we going to increase this 6 times?

Should we use 2.5's for the first 3 workouts, and then 5lbs for the last 3? Or just do 5lbs for the whole cycle?

A bit confused..

The example in the HST article shows the guy starting with 20 or so and increasing 5 every workout. Strong mofo. lol

And in case I'm misunderstood, we are doing this exercise..
Why not start with 0, go to 2.5, if that's what your gym has, and end up with 5. 2 days at each weight would workout well.

Similarly, I had to do 3lb increments on this one because of the light weight.
hmm that makes sense as far as starting at 0 so you have some sort of progressive load.

gonna be funny when we're doing 2 workouts with no weight on rear lateral raise. LOL

on another topic..does this site not have a training log forum? i was going to keep one here but i don't see any logs
If you have access to one pound weights use those.
Might not seem like significant increase, but the moment arm in that exercise is quite large, making the force active on your rear delt go up quite a bit, even if the weight is small.
i had the same problem a few weeks ago. my 15 rm on rear delt raises was the 5lb dbs also. i alternated rear delt raises with laterals, so i just used 5lb dbs for all three rear delt workouts. that probably isn't the best way, but i wasn't sure what to do.
For small increments, you could use magnets to stick on the end of your weights. Eight half pound magnets would give you 1/2 to 2 lb increments per dumbbell.