

Hi guys, there seems to be a large variation in the weight  increments that we all seem to use.

The idea is for the increase in load from workout to workout (or every second workout) to be large enough to stimulate the growth signals but obviously not too large. Surely we have to think of load increases as a per centage. I find it way too inexact  to just "add a few pounds". A few pounds on Leg press is very different to a few pounds on lateral raise for example!  

Ive heard 5% thrown around a bit and I've been using it was my guideline. small 0.5 kg weight plates come in handy for things like lateral raise - now I'd like to hear others' idea of the ideal % increase to use - If we stick with a % it it will be the same for every exercise and makes it a lot easier.
Should I stick with 5 % or maybe go as high as 10% providing I only increase every second workout?
I use 5% for exercises that I do every workout. I use 10% if I alternate between 2 different exercises - like squats and deadlifts for example - since I'll only be doing each exercise 3x during each two week cycle instead of 6x.