Injury prevention


New Member

As my brother who lifts in good form just has had a forearm tendon injury, I am scared that injury will stop me in my goal to put on MASS in the next 2 months. Any recommendations as to ways to prevent injury other than doing 15s of course? What should the maximum amount of days one works out a week be to limit chances of injury? What should it be during the 5s?

Any comments or suggestions appreciated,

Good of you to ask before ever getting injured (like myself) I personally tore a muscle and it sucked and takes a while to get back into things.

As far as prenvention, I would say just the basic that everyone else say which is stretch...within reason of course b/c too much stretching can cause injury. Also warm up with light weights and maybe even a 5 minute brisk walk.

The main thing I would do that I didnt do and wished I would of done early on in my lifting days and that is never go below your 5 rep max. I know that a lot of guys do negative here and they also go to there 3 rep max and I know by saying this it goes against the grain.

But personally I dont see a need in going lower than your 5 rep max that often or at all unless you are a true power lifter. IN terms of hypertrophy you can get all you want by staying 5 reps and above...anything below 5 just gets into your 1 rep max and that can lead to ego and injuries.
hey, Joe, congratulations.... good and sound advices..... I would just add one more which is forgotten or disregarded for the benefit of our egos....... sacrifice weight in favour of form....... you get that by:

1) keep strict form, no swinging around or swaying, no cheating.... if you just can't lift it up without cheating.... it is just too heavy

2) don't go fast, go slowly... 2-3 seconds on your concentric movement, 3-4 seconds in your eccentric... and depending on the exercise you may or not add a 1-2 or even 5 second pause.

3) during each rep try to concentrate and focus on the connection between your CNS-muscle... really focus and you will see wonders... things you thought you couldn't lift will come .... that is why I am not in favour of spotters, usually you wind up talking about the girls' tight asses, etc..... focus during each rep and during each inch of movement.... this is perhaps the most important thing for me during a workout in order to have a good workout.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">that is why I am not in favour of spotters, usually you wind up talking about the girls' tight asses, etc</div>

Wilst that is all in good order, true spotters don't &quot;faff&quot; around

Anyway mate, you got the best off advice so far! Very true, take time to warm up, specially with the big ones (Squats, deadlifts, bench and specially take time to warm up your shoulders, with a pair of light dumbells, do as many angles as possible to get the rotator cuffs warm).

Never sacrifice form, bounce or despise safety standards, they could hurt you like hell.