Intense cardio during SD


New Member
I've pretty much finished a good cutting cycle and ready for a SD, but I will still be continuing with intense cycling swimming and running. Should my SD be as normal 9-14 days then start again on 15's or 10's. I'm thinking more 10's this cycle as my joints and tendons are pretty much ready for anything with all the training I'm doing. And I won't be over eating to put large amounts of mass on.
I would stick to only a 9 day SD. Then either skip the 15s or cut them down to only one week.
I may only be able to do weights twice a week, should I just follow my usual pattern and do 6 sessions for each mini cycle. May take longer than usual but I will increase volume to maybe 2x15 (for 3 sessions) 3x10 then 5x5 or 4x5 and focus on form and slow reps when the weights are lighter.
Yeah you can still do 6 sessions per mini cycle. Or 4 sessions would work too if you prefer.

Are you planning to bulk, cut or maintain during this time?
Maintain for a while, I'm taking a break from calorie and macro counting while I concentrate on some triathlons and mountain biking. Whilst solely bodybuilding I was cutting out other things I enjoy because they were too detrimental to any gains or losses whilst bulking or cutting. I love the HST way of training so will continue with it to maintain what I have achieved. I will probably bulk again over winter when it's dark and damp all the time.