Interesting/amusing thread, PG 13+

Yeah I saw this linked on a different forum. Everyone is debating whether the guy is legit or not. His cycles sound pretty weird but who knows.
His cycles are for all intents and purposes, never ending (10 months of 12, year in, year out), 83.33% of the time he's juicing like a farmer.
I get the feeling the guy is legit, although his dosages may be less-than-accurate for the sake of anonymity.

Thought this was interesting:

Undercover Pro said:07-13-2013 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by vote4pedro
I'm interested in some of your first cycles ... What got you to be an IFBB Pro ...

My first cycle was 400mg of deca a week for 10 weeks. I gained 30lbs on that cycle, and put 100lbs on my bench press and 200lbs on my squat.
I'm rather sceptical about the accuracy of that recollection. At least one or two of those numbers seem off to me (either cycle length, strength increases of dosage). 14kgs in 10 weeks is pretty ridiculous as well, though there's no ratio/composition comment.
I'm rather sceptical about the accuracy of that recollection. At least one or two of those numbers seem off to me (either cycle length, strength increases of dosage). 14kgs in 10 weeks is pretty ridiculous as well, though there's no ratio/composition comment.

400 mg of Deca/week for 10 weeks is enough to produce serious growth. Especially if he was previously not that big or strong, he would have the room to eat and grow and pile on the strength that androgens help build.
400 mgs a week is about the standard dosage for a 200 lb guy. It is recommended for people who are not advanced to use appx 2 mg per lb of bw a week, ergo 400 mgs a week for a 200 lb dude. I've seen people put on 20-30 pounds on a sensible 12 week cycle, with deca obviously there is less water retention so it would be a little harder to add that much weight unless he had some test or something in the mix, but it's not unheard of. If I were to do a cycle like that, I would probably be eating 20 - 22 times bodyweight in lbs worth of calories each day which is enough to gain appx 20-25 lbs over the course of 12 weeks. Obviously some of that would be fat.

His strength increases do seem kind of extreme though and I would question whether those are legit or not. Seems like you would injure yourself adding that much to your bench or squat in such a short period. I realize that deca keeps the joints feeling good and maybe that would help a bit but deca does not make your joints invincible.
400 mgs a week is about the standard dosage for a 200 lb guy. It is recommended for people who are not advanced to use appx 2 mg per lb of bw a week, ergo 400 mgs a week for a 200 lb dude. I've seen people put on 20-30 pounds on a sensible 12 week cycle, with deca obviously there is less water retention so it would be a little harder to add that much weight unless he had some test or something in the mix, but it's not unheard of. If I were to do a cycle like that, I would probably be eating 20 - 22 times bodyweight in lbs worth of calories each day which is enough to gain appx 20-25 lbs over the course of 12 weeks. Obviously some of that would be fat.

His strength increases do seem kind of extreme though and I would question whether those are legit or not. Seems like you would injure yourself adding that much to your bench or squat in such a short period. I realize that deca keeps the joints feeling good and maybe that would help a bit but deca does not make your joints invincible.

The strength #'s are my biggest qn. mark. Either it's a longer cycle, or they weren't as high.

Maybe he's an outlier.

Either way, I think he's probably a mid-name pro at best.
The fact that he is most likely a relatively unknown pro suggests that he probably does not respond to drugs as well as he is saying he does. For someone to get those kinds of gains on a deca only cycle, they would have to have the genetics to respond very well to the drugs. I think that is what sets the big pros apart from us mere mortals, for some reason they respond much better to the drugs than regular folks. Guys on juice are a dime a dozen but big guys on juice are pretty rare. I see juicers all the time who are weaker and/or smaller than me and I'm not a giant by any means. They respond poorly to the drugs.
Guys on juice are a dime a dozen but big guys on juice are pretty rare. I see juicers all the time who are weaker and/or smaller than me and I'm not a giant by any means. They respond poorly to the drugs.
Or is it likely that they don't eat enough to maximise growth?
That is certainly a factor. I'm really curious to see what someone could do with the right drugs, a good diet and a properly managed hst cycle.