Interval training with HST...


New Member
Has anybody tried doing interval training for cardio during HST? Did it interfere with your recovery and results?

I tested using a Tabata protocol for a few weeks to see the results during my last split routine. I used wind sprints and the heavy bag for mine. Sprints were used between back and chest day. Heavy bag work used between chest and leg day. Had a Back/Chest/Leg split going at the time. I used 30 seconds all out and 30 seconds low / moderate pace to recover.

The results were amazing for sure. I was losing weight while still eating above maintenance. I did feel fatigued though and cut it short.

I suspect that it would be too much and interfere with the frequency principle of HST but want to get your feedback. Trying to plan for my cut and I liked the short duration and results of the intervals for sure. Even though they kicked my A$$.
I was going to ask a similar question after a post by LOL(?) about sprint cyclists got me thinking & reading the HIIT/Tabata threads etc.

I've decided to add a little higher intensity cardio (than that specified by Brian i.e. 20mins walking). Though I loath to change anything given the success of my first cycle, it seems I can't help myself. I've added a little HIIT, I'm starting very conservatively, 5mins of gentle warm up and 4mins of 30sec/30sec intervals. Will slowly increase this.

It seems some here have used HIIT while on HST, I've seen refs to a "Faustonian cycle" in a couple of posts, which I assume was something Fausto did. But have been unable to find any figures like the ones I give above that may give me a better indication of what might work for me.

Can anyone remember what they found worked or did not work for them while on HST? Please post full details.

Hopefully this info will help us both

(PS I don't cut or bulk exactly, rather do the so called "slow bulk" as it suits my needs better at present)
i do HIIT or interval training every session,after weights,my weights takes 40 to 45 mins and 20 mins cardio so its all done in around 1hr.
Cardio after the workout just wont do unfortunately. I am pushing out to 75 minutes of HST and expect it to go to 90 by the end. That is why I choose to do the cardio on the off days.

I am doing steady state work for now at a low intensity. That hasnt seemed to interfere so far.

I am concerned that the interval type training on the off days will eat too much into my recovery but I like the short time frame and better fat burning results of it.

This might sound goofy. My instincts tell me from the feel of the interval work that I am stressing the same fibers that I am using to lift with. As opposed to the steady state work which feels like I am using a different set of fibers. You know what I mean?

I certainly dont want to work my heavy lifting fibers everyday.
Whaaa! You are hardcore! Respect!

20mins interval training after weights must be a killer. Even if I cut my workout to your 40mins I just don't have the cardio at the moment to do it all in one session. Currently my HST workout takes me about 1hr

I had a quick look at your posts but can't tell exactly "where you're at" but I guess you have many years training. Is building muscle your still your main objective? Or are you at more of a maintain phase? My "old thinking" would never have believed it was possible to add muscle if you did cardio straight afterwards. However my "new thinking" based on for example sprint cyclists legs is that it MAY be possible using HIIT/Tabata type cardio (though it may not be optimal).

That said I will still keep my HIIT to none lifting days and increase the time gradually. But it's good to know what is possible, I've got a way to go before I get anywhere near to your level.
been training 30+ yrs,i still try to gain as much as i can.

TBH because my training total is still under the hour"and fuelled"even with HIIT,there is still less chance of me losing muscle than there is with wildbill who is doing 75 maybe 90.
Thank you all for your responses. I was hoping for a few more opinions but yours have been helpful. I think I may try the intervals in the spring after my workout instead of on off days. Perhaps I will reduce my volume to the money lifts and arm work only so that I can do this.
First off, I'm still relatively inexperienced with weight training (a couple of years consistently) so I debated on whether or not to reply but I did some HIIT during this summer. I did sprints on a track at my college. I do the regular HST program on MWF so I did HIIT on Tuesday and Thursday while dieting.

I would warm up for about 5 minutes and then do maybe 5 30 second intervals. While doing this, I lost no more than about .2 lb extra per week (was already losing about 2lbs per week). I didn't lose any strength but I'm nowhere near where you're at. Just for reference, I'm 5'11 and 150lbs. I decided after 3 weeks to stop doing them because it was just wearing me out and I didn't think it was worth the relatively small benefit.
I do heavy bag tabatas or rounds inbetween lifting days and I don't feel it hinders with recovery. I love heavy bag work and feel it is a great form of cardio.. I hightly recommend it.
(SoxFan @ Sep. 20 2008,7:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do heavy bag tabatas or rounds inbetween lifting days and I don't feel it hinders with recovery.  I love heavy bag work and feel it is a great form of cardio.. I hightly recommend it.</div>
That is what I had planned on doing as well. I currently hit the speed bag and heavy bag then wrap it up with a walk. But I am not using an all out effort like I would during a tabata session. Thanks for the insight.