Intro & HST Routine Check


New Member
I joined the forum back in November and I've been reading through all the posts about HST and I'm ready to give it a try. First some background on me. I'm 39, 5'11", 181# and I've been lifting seriously for a few years. I've been doing an upper/lower split for a long time and just finished a cycle of myo-reps. I'm doing my SD now and will start HST on Sunday. I decided to do an A-B split and chose the following exercises:
A: Machine Leg Press, Machine Leg Curl, BB Bench, Seated Row, Hammer Shoulder Press, Machine Curl, Machine Tricep, Machine Rear Delt
B: BB Romanian DL, DB Reverse Lunge, Hammer Incline Bench, Pulldown/Chinup, Machine Lateral Raise, DB Incline Curl, Lying DB Tri Extension, DB Shrug
Any comments/suggestions on my exercise selection? I tried to use exercises that were easier to load and will cluster my reps. I used my 15, 10 and 5 rep maxes from my myo-reps cycle. My plan is to do 30 reps during the 15s, 20 reps during the 10s and 15 reps during the 5s.
I plan on starting a workout journal and will post my 15/10/5 RM on there.
That's what I was thinking. I'd like to get it done in an hour. I'll always do the 2 lower body and 3 main upper body exercises and then if time permits I'll do the arms and rear delt or trap work. I like to superset but with those exercises it's all but impossible.