Introducing myself (Long)


New Member
Hello all!
While I've been reading these forums for quite some time, this is my first post! I'm going to be starting my first HST cycle in 3 weeks, after I finish my current split cycle, and just wanted to introduce myself. I tend to get a bit long winded, but wanted to give a little background on myself, as well as my proposed plan for when I start my HST routine.
In a nutshell, I'm 38 years old, 5'11", 190lbs, and roughly 11%BF. 18 months ago I was 300lbs of well, eh, yeah, pure fat, LOL. I spent a solid 12 months following the Atkins Diet by the book, and managed to get down to around 180lbs without exercise. At that point, I decided to take up weight training after a LONG, read, 10+ years off, and wound up at an all time low of 175lbs at approx. 8-9%BF. I decided at that point I really wasn't happy with the way things were going, and started an attempt to put a few pounds back on. Well, I was still hard core low carb at the time, and while I did have some gains, they were minimal at best. I became more defined, and a bit stronger, but I just wasn't getting the size I was looking for. Over the past two months or so, give or take, I've increased my caloric intake from around 2200 a day, to 3500, adding carbs back in along the way, lowering fat, and increasing my protein intake. I've managed to put on roughly 15lbs total, up to 190 and only increase my BF by around 1%. I'm happy with this so far, but feel after 9-10 months of training, I need a change! This is where HST comes in.
So, without further ado, this is what I have setup so far for my first HST cycle. I plan on starting the week of November 14th, after finishing my current program, and taking 7 days for STD. (Something I think I really need at this point as I have not had a break in training in nearly 6 months). I plan to keep my caloric intake the same, 3500 per day, 40/40/20, which is what I've been doing for the past two months. I'm looking to continue "bulking" up to around 200lbs, and see how I look\feel from there. Oh, for reference, my current stats, some repeated that are listed above, are here:
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs
BF%: 11 (give or take)
Chest - 43"
Bicep - 16"
Forearm - 13"
Waist - 32" at naval
Thigh - 23"
Calf - 17"
Those are the basics, here is my plan:
Starting the cycle after a full week of STD (Yes, I think I REALLY need this right now), and trying to keep it as basic as possible. I'm going to do a
Mon-Wed-Fri routine, performing cardio and AB work on Tues-Thur-Sat. My cardio generally consists of 30 minutes on the treadmill or eliptical machine at 70-80 Max HR. I plan on following what appears to be standard as far as the cycle goes. 2 weeks of 15's, 2 weeks of 10's, and 2 weeks of 5's. This is going to be strange for me, as I've never done a full body routine before, but have always worked with a 4 day split. (Even 10 years back).
Squats + Leg press (Alternating Mon-Wed-Fri each week)
Leg curls
Incline Bench
Pull ups
Bent over rows (Possible alternating with dumbells)
Military Press
Shrugs (Barbell and dumbell alternating)
Rear delt laterals
Bicep work (Probably starting with Dumbell curls)
Tricep work (Skullcrushers or close grip bench)
Calf raises (Standing or seated)
For each rep range, I'm initially thinking of 1 warm up set for the big moves, squats, bench etc., and two full working sets. I'm still working on my rep maximums, but think I have it down pretty well now. I'm sure over the next 3 weeks I may change a few things, or make final decisions on exercises, but for now, I'm feeling pretty comfortable with this setup.
Anyway, now that I've rambled on for far too long, I just wanted to say how very happy I am to have found this site, along with all the information that is available here. I'm seriously looking forward to this, and plan on posting some logs once I actually get started. I also hope to be a bit more of a contributor to the forums after this introduction.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'm 38 years old, 5'11", 190lbs, and roughly 11%BF. 18 months ago I was 300lbs of well, eh, yeah, pure fat, LOL. I spent a solid 12 months following the Atkins Diet by the book, and managed to get down to around 180lbs without exercise. At that point, I decided to take up weight training after a LONG, read, 10+ years off, and wound up at an all time low of 175lbs at approx. 8-9%BF.

Amazing - congratulations! Sorry, I can't give any help right now - kinda busy, but others will give you some advice..


Welcome to HST! Hope you like it here, in a BS free site full of knowledge and factual information. :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Anyway, now that I've rambled on for far too long, I just wanted to say how very happy I am to have found this site, along with all the information that is available here. I'm seriously looking forward to this, and plan on posting some logs once I actually get started. I also hope to be a bit more of a contributor to the forums after this introduction.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!

Glad to see someone who has truend his fate around. There is so many out ther without the guts to get off their fat asses, and basically that is all they have to do

Also glad you have done your reading pretty well

Your workout looks fine, at this point let us leave it like that, it is basic and that in fact tends to be the best.

Your nutrition is in check, wish mine was!

So you are set for a surprise after a while, that is for sure!

You may find the 15';s rather strange at first but keep up, they are an excellent base for later on, the whole body routine is actually quite fine.

Some advice, do the big ones first, squats/bench/dips/chins, then the small work and you will be just fine.

Later, hope this helps for now!
well done mate your routine looks fine..i might drop the caloreis a bit while your doing dont want to put on a few pounds you might have to lose latter..good luck :D
Thanks for the warm welcomes and the kind words all. In response to a couple of statements, yeah, I think I'm going to find the 15's a bit strange, but I figure after a week of SD, they will probably be kind of refreshing just to get things started again. The only odd thing is going to be not loading up on the poundage on the bar :)
And yeah, Faz, I'm figuring on dropping my calories by around 500 during the SD week. I may still do some cardio as I don't know if I'll be able to actually stay out of the gym for 7 days, but I plan on keeping that very low impact if I even do it.
I've also changed my plan a bit seeing as that I want to start this the week of November 7th. I'm going to finish my current routine this week, and take 3 days next week to finalize my 15, 10 and 5 numbers. Plus I'm hoping this will give me some idea of just how my planned routine will be going.
Thanks again for the replies everyone!
Good to see some older folks like me on the forum. Good luck with your first cycle. From personal experience I think you will be very pleased with the results that HST produces.
agree with hardrock..hst is better on the body for us older guys..and in the long run for the younger who have had the sense to use hst :D
Hey Rotlex,
First of all, welcome to HST and this forum, you are in for a pleasant surprise. Looks like you've done your homework and you know a lot about nutrition, so I won't bother with that. Just a piece of advice, if you can, SD for longer than just 7 days. After 6 months of steady training, you will need a little more time to unadapt. I know it will sound much to you, but shoot for 2 weeks instead. Keep some light cardio in there during this time, if you need to, but don't overdo it.

Anyway, welcome again and good luck with your new program. Do keep us posted with your progress and results. :)
