Ironmind's Super Squats Hip Belt


New Member
Anyone here ever used it? What are your opinions?

I am thinking about ordering one, but I wonder how easy it is to use.

It's great for re-hab,or just for a change, however...
Balance - most use it on the shorter E-Z bar (to avoid strap slippage)
You also would probably need some platforms, otherwise you'd only be doing partial squats
Try before you buy - make your own, try it out with moderate weight & then ask yourself if you can warrant spending $100 on one
I guess it's great for back, but forget about core development with it, since you're taking the core out of action too. Comparable to a leg press machine I'd guess from looking at it. Looks like balance would be hard at first.

PM me if you're having back trouble, and I'll let you know the modifications I've made that have helped me. (#4 lumbar disc) I'm now doing deadlifts for the first time!