is 18-19 days to long...?

Ask yourself this... why would it be? Would you be losing muscle? Maybe. A lot? Doubt it. Would you be enabling your body to be easily effected by light loads? Yes. Successful upon long SD? Yes.
thanks a ton guys
Rest is always a good thing. However, if 18 days is optimal or not will depend on the type of training you were doing before the SD, the amount of time since your last SD, training age, etc. etc. The harder your routines. the longer your prior training period, the older you are, how long you have been seriously treining, etc, will all tend to lengthen the optimal SD period.

Rule of thumb:
When in doubt, lengthen SD's and shorten workouts.
(p0fell0w @ Mar. 17 2008,23:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">just wondering if 18-19 days is too long for SD?</div>
18-19 days is nothing. Heck thats the amount of time that Mike Menzter recommended between regular workouts. *cue joke drum-roll*
Mentzer never DID regular workouts!
I notice a good bit of strength loss after 14 days myself, and that's enough for me. As yet, it doesn't seem like we really know all there is about SD.
As long as you keep calories at maintenance, not a whole lot of bad stuff can happen in 18-19 days.
hey guys i'm tired of SD and i'm already at day you guys think it woudl be alright to just go to the gym on friday and repeat workout 1 on monday again? lol
You don't have to do the workouts on a Mon Wed Fri schedule. I used to follow a Sun Tue Thu schedule myself. You can just start it and go from here if you want, it won't really matter that much.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 20 2008,12:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You don't have to do the workouts on a Mon Wed Fri schedule.  I used to follow a Sun Tue Thu schedule myself.  You can just start it and go from here if you want, it won't really matter that much.</div>
good...i just want to get back in the gym b/c i already lost a .25 inch off my arms while i was SD i think 15 days would be good for my SD and i'll just repeat my workout on monday so i'll be on the right workouts
It wasn't the 15 day SD that was the direct cause of your lose of .25&quot; and cutting your 18 day planned SD short by 3 days will make no physiological difference. It is worthwhile to do it for the mental pickup though.
